-You often give up an entire playstyle for the sake of one run
-The runes are generally not fun, or a % modifier
-You are constantly rage starved - when you do finally get enough to press a button, the damage is abysmal
-You are easily out-DPS’d by everyone with 2x the effort
I also raided with a warrior that was vastly better gear than my Warlock. Enchanted, multiple set bonuses, Naxx weapons etc. I out damaged him on every single fight in t1 real gear, usually by several hundred DPS at least.
I imagine warrior is hard to balance because if you make them more fun to level, you overpower them at 60 - but man, you get clowned on by every single class in dungeons always.
I don’t like how they ignored arms… I don’t like how they buffed the same rune spot in last round. They buffed two separate chest runes, so we could only take advantage of one…
I hate only being good at meme thirty second fights…
Warriors in SOD have paid for being the undisputed kings of Classic WoW by a wide margin. They’re the only viable tanks, they practically double the raid DPS of every class except Rogue, and they’re solid enough in PvP. It’s also the only class in Era where every talent tree is good with a purpose and not a meme.
I completely understand they wanted to be careful and not end up in a place where warriors are so good that over half the servers are maining warrior with a trashfire meta of stacking 25-30 of them every raid for comically dumb “speed running”, but sometimes it feels they’ve been a little too cautious.
i mean like 2/3rds of your complaints are just numerical and have nothing to do with fun. like sure if parsing is the only way you have fun then you are going to have a bad time. but for those people you just switch to whatever is fotm because you are are defining fun by arbitrary numerical values so it doesnt matter how they are produced.
i have fun on my warrior because its mechanically fun to play. especially when leveling zipping around with warbringer and victory rush was fun AF
I mean, warrior in vanilla is only the undispusted king of PvE. The raids are a combined 3 hours out of your week. If you aren’t raidlogging and are playing the game even 3 hours a night in general, you’re talking about 18 hours of gameplay where you’re typically the worst class for whatever you’re doing. This is every week. A mage or rogue with the same time investment is the 2nd/3rd best PvE class for 3 hours and then become undisputed kings of everything else.
This narrative has to stop imo. Or atleast apply it evenly, and admit mages and rogues would be just as deserving of nerfs.
Classic Andies really, really struggle with this concept, because in Vanilla the rotations are so simple, but in SoD you can be bad and perform badly and still have gear because zug runs exist. Gear is neither a measure of performance or prestige, it’s literally a single parameter that feeds into a more important metric - their parses. I’ve seen players in AQ/naxx gear parse grey. They’re just bad and that’s the way it is.
Just to make my point - you can’t run Warbring if you hope to gain more rage from the “no armor” run, and you also can’t run victory rush without sacrificing SMF.
The runes simply are not fun, and using a subjective example to disprove my subject example does nothing.
Just say “I disagree because I do”. Saves us all a ton of time.
When i use flagelation i use glad stance so i have the ability to intercept while tanking. gota have the right spec tho xD, but are you guys crying because you have to optimise your runes before some fights in naxx or something? XD
I’m not sure you understand what classic Andy means lol.
Also, you’re banking your entire point of view on zug runs.
If you care, the guy also had a full tanking set, and was able to effectively tank multiple bosses in AQ40 without instruction. He was a good player. So… what’s the next “no u” argument you have?
So he had end game gear in both a DPS set and a Tank set, and played extremely well without guidance because tanking it ez mode according to you…
…but his DPS is bad because he got carried to get that gear.
On topic, people don’t want to hear it but I said the same things you are now months ago when I leveled to 60 in P4.
Leveling in SoD is the most geared I’ve ever been while leveling a warrior in “vanilla”. Even with endless rage for 25% more rage, it’s not enough while leveling. It starts in the mid-40’s. Everything has 2x it’s normal health, they hit just as hard as you do. And you don’t really get rage from hitting or being hit. Victory Rush is nice but it’s not enough because of how much health you lose fighting even single mobs.
There’s no rune that fixes your issues the way they do for other classes. Other classes got shiny new buttons that increase the size and potency of their kit, adding much needed damage for the buffed world mobs, as well as fleshing out rotations and playstyles. This is fine. Except warrior got none of this. Fury is considered complete, but only functions fully buffed, requiring buffs from other classes to compete. Prot is a real spec thanks to threat buffs to shield slam that it desperately needed to make the 16 points you have to invest in the prot to get it actually worth spending. And arms is there too.
We got nice QoL in Warbringer. Honestly it could just be charge in combat and it would be fine. The root removal is a bit much but whatever. Still doesn’t fix that we didn’t get a shiny new button that solves all our damage problems. Ultimately the “fix” here would have to be an ability that just does flat 0 unscaled damage. Strictly to assist with leveling. Rend requires a rune investment to scale (4% AP lmao) and it ticks for less than 1k in Naxx with a rank 4 seal, 8 pieces of sanctified, and full buffs totaling well into the 3k range of AP. It’s worthless.
No, do you hear yourself? “He must be a good player because he has gear”. Smh. Dude, smh. I can’t. It’s really unfortunate you can’t see me physically smh at you. Oh well.
The warrior rotation is very simple. There are people that suck at it but if he’s competent enough to clear AQ I doubt he’s actually bad. Warrior just straight up sucks by comparison to most other classes.
Like, you actually tried to say SoD rotations take some level of skill. It’s insane. We just finished wotlk, SoD fury is wotlk fury except there’s no legendary axe and magical stat to cap at the end of the road to fix all our damage issues.
I have 2 100’s in Naxx. And a 99 ranking me second for all warriors on that boss. On that same boss our fire mage smashed my damage by 400k, doing 2000 more dps. Ignite made up 51% of his damage. Deep wounds was worth 17% of mine, and my first actual ability that I have to press, Bloodthirst, was 7%. We scale poorly. The class feels bad to play even when played well.
Stop trying to play games. Nothing wrong with blue parsing, but don’t pretend that you know the ins and outs of the games and that it’s so easy when you’re in that situation.
It’s a good thing we’re talking about SoD and not Cata, where I’m 95+ on basically every fight.
Also, really? You went back to P1 of cata? Where I didn’t get any upgrades for half the tier and then quit raiding entirely due to a promotion at work changing my schedule? Why don’t we talk about my Firelands numbers. Where I did more than fine without a weapon upgrade 99% of the tier, in a 10 man with an unstable roster raiding 1 night a week.
https://imgur.com/a/ISDjmLM Now then, tell me I don’t know how to play SoD fury again. Since that’s the current conversation topic.
https://imgur.com/a/7N4VSoh Here you can have my ulduar too, the 99 alg was a 5:30 kill time.
Where’s your proof of experience? C’mon, post something and entertain me. Post some relevant raid logs.