Will it ever be fixed? What about liking your own posts on alts?
Hard to think you pay for these forums.
Will it ever be fixed? What about liking your own posts on alts?
Hard to think you pay for these forums.
Reporting with alts to submarine posts will get the account a forum vacation or ban, so even if the software doesn’t prevent it the inevitable account action guarantees consequences.
Bump because it’s big true. It’s highly obnoxious to see posters state some sort of benign statement be sent into oblivion literally instantaneously.
And yes, I mean benign. Not thinly-veiled -isms. It’s hard to believe any action whatsoever is taken against these players since it happens over and over again.
I would like to suggest that perhaps there is a 1-flag, 1-upvote limit per account. I’m sure that can be something coded in, as other forums simply don’t seem to have this issue unless it’s an entirely new account. Players who want to avoid this loophole have to make a new account, rather than hop alts, which is more time consuming and would perhaps dissuade them from doing so.