Reporting Ongoing Harassment

to actually come to this thread and say “its annoying but not against the rules! haha!” is so malicious & lame. how embarrassing.


Repeated harassment and disruption of RP events is indeed a violation.

Story circle has been a part of this server long before you came here and it will be here long after you are forgotten just like any other insipid :clown_face:. You are nothing new nor are you original. Every single clown show that comes to this server is laughed off and eventually crawls back under whichever rock they initially came from. I seriously advise you to go do something else with your time. Maybe find something positive to fill the empty void that exists inside your heart?


A couple of things, I still think you are conflating harassment with RP you don’t like, but I’ll bite:
Please cite the exact TOS items that were violated and/or items in the social contract.

I’ll not.

You are beneath me.

Go away.


Lmao recked

  1. No need to personally attack, that definitely is against the social contract. I don’t consider myself above anyone or consider anyone beneath me, that’s just plain mean-spirited.
  2. You can’t cite the violations because the violations you are referring to don’t exist.

What’s with pvp players and this obsession with being the most despicable people they possibly can? You can’t even troll and just own up to it either. You get caught and called out and then cry victim lol. The benchmark for trolling has fallen far.

I’m so sorry Story Circle is stuck dealing with people who have too much free time on their hands. I’d be willing to come to the next Story Circle and act as a witness.


Literally not crying victim, just showing that it’s not a TOS violation. I also have yet to personally attack anyone, yet that has been done repeatedly to myself and others - even by you.

Pointless as this may be to ask, I would like to know why you think this happened and why the people of this specific event have established the position toward you they have. Also, what is it about this event specifically that keeps you coming back to it in spite of everything?


I have literally been there 2x in my entire life. I find it interesting that I am being treated as though I am constatnly “trolling.”

I recall the first time you came to the forums with that and the reception you got then. I also recall the disparity between your story and the one everyone else seems to be telling.

Why do you think that is? Are you still of the opinion that dueling during a storytelling event is completely normal and that no one should have any reason to take issue with it? And if you’re having so many issues with this event, why keep attending? I certainly hope you don’t plan to attend any further instances of this event and plan to avoid/ignore. That is what you plan to do right?


I pointed out then and still maintain, SS’s that were posted were edited to not include things that were said to us and only included selected parts of multiple hours of an evening.

When we point this out, we are flamed.

Also, we were approached for dueling, we did not initiate, and we have not dueled at the event since.

So people are just being meanie heads to you for no good reason then? That’s what you’re asserting? Also, are you saying that during the last event, no one used toys on top of the storytellers and danced in the center of the circle?

I mean, I can guarantee you I’m not on anyone’s favorite person list here on this server. And yet I’ve never experienced anything remotely resembling what seems to be happening to you from your perspective. I just want to know why you think people are being so unbelievably mean (and some even going so far as to break the ToS themselves with malicious whispers) if you’re doing nothing wrong at all.


I have never accused anyone of being mean-spirited outside of personal attacks.

EDIT: And deceptive editing of screenshots.

Why is this happening then? You’re still not explaining why you think it’s happening.

I am not complaining about anything happening, perhaps you should be asking the organizers why they think this is happening.

Lol okay. And now that we’ve established your prerogative to dodge the honest questions that could clear up any misunderstandings if you were really interested in resolving things like an adult, I can safely conclude that you’re posting in bad faith. Not that I didn’t really know that before, but sometimes it’s amusing and revealing to just hand someone their own rope so to speak.

I’m sure that once people who have screenshots and documented evidence open their reports, this will all be dealt with as it should. And in the meantime, perhaps you should stop going to this event and find a better use of your time.


I have not accused anyone of malicious effort against me, are you suggesting that my doing anything is justification for personal attacks and being told to commit suicide?

Are you suggesting that I was “asking for it” when being personally attacked?

EDIT: It is being dealt with. I don’t know what I can say about account actions without violating TOS, but I can assure you, it is absolutely being dealt with. Crazy how some people are still talking and others aren’t when CS has chat logs.

I don’t think anyone should have encouraged you to commit suicide, no. That topic is no joke and shouldn’t be thrown around as it often is on the Internet no matter how serious anyone may be when saying it. See? I honestly and directly answered your question.

But if you’re going to an event and trolling it and then coming here playing the fool and acting surprised at the people who don’t like it and want you to stop, then you’re nothing but a clown. I look forward to your inevitable vacation.