Reporting ingame issues like ingame griefing

pls did I ask for ur or any ones opinion…no…I am in customer support awaiting customer support. simple as that…I could care less what ur opinion is at the moment…

You did, though, when you posted on a public forum. Again, this is a player-to-player help desk. If you would prefer to speak with a Blizzard employee, you would do so by submitting a ticket.

Have yourself the day you deserve, though, friend.


oh ya ppl are funny flag it so nothing gets done - again still waiting for customer support

Only thing that might happen is one of the sfa’s will repeat what has been said and lock this thread!


Customer Support does not mean I’m a customer, support me. By your own argument, you aren’t Blizzard so we can ignore your directives.

To fix your issue, without a GM having to do anything, create a target macro. Then it doesn’t matter how many toys are on the ground.

/tar mobname


To piggie back on this great idea, since I think they mean they need to interact with an item first, they can use the “interact” key bind. Just turn on that option, set a key, and away you go. Should allow you to interact with something even if you can’t see it.


You’ve been supported many times in this thread. Unfortunately, you’re choosing not to agree or listen to it. You’ve been linked to the blue support agent posts and don’t accept those either, so I’m not sure what you’re hoping for here.

Putting a toy down, isn’t “griefing”. It’s allowed. Clearly you don’t like it, but you’ve been given alternatives to allow you to continue without even having to worry about someone placing a toy on the ground.

Whether or not you choose to take that advice is up to you. But the reason that nothing has been done to the other player, is because they’re breaking no rules. In fact, it’s why there isn’t even an option to report “griefing”.

Your comments in this thread however, would certainly be considered trolling, which is why your posts were likely flagged. I’ll never understand how people can come to a forum complaining that they think someone is breaking the rules…while breaking the rules themselves. :dracthyr_shrug:


Actually, if you stop being a pain for one second and think critically…those flags are actually helping you. Flags bring it to Blizzard’s attention much faster, and if you’re doing nothing wrong, they’ll answer your question and restore the post.

Trouble is, acting this way is trolling and it’s not going to end well for you. So let’s take this opportunity to drop the ridiculous attitude and get back to your issue at hand:

You don’t know that nothing has been done. Blizzard will never discuss another player’s account with others, and if they did give a warning, some players do not listen to warnings. In fact, most players get actioned and continue doing the same thing…just so you will think nothing has been done and will stop reporting them.

So…keep reporting them if you think they are breaking the rules.

Not at all. Everyone must follow the same rules.

However, the real problem is…

Your interpretation of the rules is not Blizzard’s. Players are allowed to use their toys whenever/wherever they want. The onus is on you to make sure you are clicking on the correct item to summon the mob.

No player can ever stop you from playing the game. They cannot prevent clicks, nor can they cannot prevent you from going somewhere. They can make your time miserable, for sure, but they cannot prevent anything. Go turn Warmode on (or off), ask someone to invite you to a party so you change shards, go do something else and they will get bored.

They are only continuing because they know they are getting under your skin. Put them on Ignore and try later. It’s not the end of the world.


To add to what Ruffle said about macro-targeting mobs

You can also spam AoE abilities on the spot that the mob spawns in if it spawns on the ground and is stationary, which I would guess is a case if toys are being placed to disrupt the targeting of it. And if that is possible, then you should pick a class that has lingering AoE such as Consecration for Paladins or Death and Decay for Death Knights.

Though as far as what you expected to get from this thread in terms of reporting people, I can tell you now that nothing is going to happen to any players, the mods are likely going to tell you that what you described isn’t an actionable offense, and then they are going to close the thread. I know it is annoying and disruptive but the behavior falls within the rules, unfortunately.

Hey, you quoted me!


Alright, let’s cover a few things.

First, a little general commentary on reporting… Someone being argumentative or not wanting or listening to the often very good advice that is provided is not exactly trolling. If someone isn’t appreciating your efforts, just move on, save your reporting flags.

Folks have been providing fairly good advice, Mordwraith, and even quoted a couple of responses that I made on the subject. Wanting to hear and official response is understandable, but ignoring when people quote blue responses for you, that’s a bit rude. Someone went out of their way to hunt down past posts related to the issue you brought here. tsk.

So I’ll speak to the issue at hand.

While what you are describing could potentially be considered griefing, it isn’t exactly cut and dry. Mostly, like using large mounts to block NPCs, toys are part of the game. They may be used anywhere in the game that allows them. As long as they are not exploiting a bug, it is rare that our staff would be able to intervene.

If you are encountering a situation that you feel may not be intended by our Game Developers when it comes to the use of a toy, it is usually best to either report it as a bug, so our QA team can take a look, or submit a suggestion so our Devs can.