Reporting A Player For Sabotage

In Neltharion’s Lair you can team kill fellow players by being a Death Knight and utilizing Path of Frost if you happen to make the drop to the first boss before others. Our group healer and myself died as a result.

I brought this up and the DK admitted it was intentional, because of ‘aggro’. I’m not sure what they mean: I didn’t pull anything that wasn’t already pulled, but seeing as they and the group leader were together a vote wasn’t possible, so I left.

I don’t think it’s exactly fair I felt forced to eat both a 10% durability loss and a 30 minute penalty. I don’t even want to finish the Timewalking quest because apparently I need to worry about being killed by my own allies, so I want to report them.

Problem: I try to file a ticket, it says to right click their name and select the proper action. It’s all chat based. I tried to manually file a ticket and the only thing it lets me report for is ongoing harassment which is not what I want to report for.

I don’t see a reason to file it under bug report as bugs I have reported continue to exist well beyond after they’re reported, so I want to at least do this, if nothing else but my own peace of mind.

Any assistance will be appreciated. My mood is probably soured for the rest of the day regardless and this is very much making it worse as I navigate the maze that is simply reporting someone.

And before someone pops in to simply say “Oh you’re just doing it wrong” which seems to be the go-to for any time I do something wrong,

That’s the link I was directed to for trying to use the helpdesk, and there’s no way to report for griefing or anything of the sort.

That isn’t reportable, sorry to say. More so when it’s a class ability.


That is all that matters, the Deserter Debuff is hard coded and cannot be avoided. As for the DK’s intentions, hard to say Maybe he was referring to using PoF to draw aggro, who knows. But either way being a jerk is not against the rules and there is nothing to report.


You can right click on the message and report it that way. But keep in mind, what we may consider as a Code of Conduct violation, doesn’t mean it is. Report the player, and let Blizzard decide if it is a Code of Conduct violation.


Oh, cool, so I can openly be a jerk to people and get away scot free. Good to know, I’ll be sure to put a point and Misdirection and capitalize on that fact.

Sick and tired of people, and very much sick of trying to live up to their damned impossible expectattions.

I’d say that there are probably social consequences to their actions. But being a jerk has never really been against the rules. Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t really action people in WoW for “griefing”. The only exception I’ve seen to that is the mythic+ saboteurs.

People have forever been jerks in online games Guuah. That’s not likely to change until there are no more online games unfortunately :frowning:


There ARE gameplay sabotage type options in the right click report menu in some game modes but it has to be done from in-game. They won’t accept a report after the fact via ticket.


I’m not sure about dungeons but there are definitely sabotage options to report people for in pvp matches at least, though I suppose that isn’t helpful to your dungeon problem. But if there is any option to report people for anything related to sabotage, then remember to use it whenever you see it. The reporting system does need to be improved but in situations like yours, the “sabotage” in question would need to be shown to be malicious.

I know this isn’t relevant to the chat but you should really consider… not using this acronym. There are multiple usages for it and none of them are even remotely appropriate, which might be why you keep getting reported.


Sure if you did report the person and they keep on a regular basis causing havoc in groups to get kicks on seeing people Die and the group fail, Well blizzard can see patterns like they did when people would leave keys for no reason.


You can md all you want we can remove the ability just as quickly. Like you can with pof.

Not to encourage this, but this has been possible for a while. There are other classes with certain abilities, too. I remember a Wrath dungeon (one of the Utgardes) where you end by dropping down into a pool by the entrance. Same thing. Always had to pay attention, and quickly click off the buff before landing.

Using a given ability is never really actionable. I know you may not see it now, being on the short end of it, but could you imagine the chaos if Blizzard would action players for using the abilities they gave us? Same situation with Leap of Faith, or dismounting with a passenger.

The Deserter Debuff is what it is. You can suggest a different system, but the fallback of “just remove it” is not an option, due to players abusing it in the past.

They won’t. It’s been their MO since they started posting here: pushing limits are far as possible without consequences. Even with the definition they give, it should be considered trolling or at least extraneous (as hashtags have no meaning here), but I’m sure the Blues have much more important things to worry about. Kind of a pick your battles thing.

Just ignore them (either forum feature or simply not acknowledging their posts). The attention is what they are after. Don’t feed it.


No one is defending bad behavior by providing accurate information on how to help deal with a group member that may have done something that runs contrary to the well being of the group. We also can recognize that someone purposefully causing issues within a dungeon/raid isn’t great behavior while also giving good advice on how best to deal with those situations.

The Sabotage category is a possible option, but it tends to be pretty situational and usually needs to be recurring. You may use the right click report option to report it, but that tends to look at the overall trends of a player and not something that will likely address it in the short term.

Players are generally given agency over their group with the Vote to Kick system. It allows the group to vote to remove someone who might be causing trouble. Removing yourself from the situation is also an option, but may result in receiving a debuff yourself. I’m afraid there is no way for the system to tell why you may leave a dungeon, sorry.


This is odd though. I thought it had been changed quite a long ways back for class abilities such as Waterwalking or Path of Frost to no longer apply to party members.

That being said, I still always aim my camera downwards when falling in a group setting.

Probably a good idea. I’m just curious if the mods actually know what it stands for though, because if they knew what the acronym stood for, they would probably be less lenient - especially considering that every single one of his posts has it. But I guess it’s not that serious.

I won’t derail the thread with this any further.


I can personally guarantee that someone at Blizzard, if they do read certain e-mail accounts (and I have no reason to suspect they don’t), they know the different interpretations. I also believe the poster has said what it stands for in other threads.

In the end, they are the mods. If they aren’t going to remove it, or tell them to stop, then that’s their decision. Let’s just not give the poster the attention they crave by calling it out.


That was your first mistake, why do you think the swap blaster toy is so popular.

Not having already done this was your second mistake


I know it’s upsetting to have this happen and then be told that nothing can or will be done but in the end, it is only a game. It’s not worth getting bent out of shape over like this, at all.

I highly doubt Vrak wants to do any of that, and I think he understands as well as anyone how frustrating in-game conflicts are.

I do however, think that this thread is just going to go back and forth and become a dumpster fire. All that needed to be said was said, and now we’re just bickering.


You are? I’m not entirely certain where. You were earlier when you used a word that isn’t really appropriate on our forums but it was mild and not directed at anyone, so I just edited it out.

I will lock it up though, as I don’t think anything more constructive will be possible at this point.