NGL, in this case OP 100% deserved it. They aren’t telling the full story, and it was obvious what was happening. Just mind your own business, play the game, and stop trying to manage everyone in a PUG. If they start pulling ahead, get over it and get on board. You didn’t need to say anything, you CHOSE TO BE THAT GUY.
That kind of toxic behavior is absolutely encouraged by Blizzard. That’s why you get an additional punishment for getting kicked. Blizzard isn’t like Square-Enix. They don’t care if you have a bad time in game provided the players don’t curse at you while behaving like that.
I feel like ya if this actually happened. Like waiting till the last boss to kick and letting some alt sit at entrance doing nothing. I always love a free carry never understood why people complain during
bliz doesnt care if the kick is abusing innocent players…clearly.
This is why you NEVER speak in dungeons…EVER.
Youre just drawing attention to yourself and giving a juvenile some reason to lash out…and while they can kick you and waste your game time (thank blizzard for that book of matches) its just not worth the risk
There is really nothing blizzard can do on the fly to determine if a group kick if valid or not. So they treat them all the same and apply the debuff. If you reported it, you wouldn’t get any where as the rules about vote kick make it clear that you can be kicked for any reason (or none at all) if the party wants.
No it is not reportable. The vote to kick system allows the players to vote out anyone they don’t want to play with for ANY reason, or no reason.
There is no category to report that because it is not against any game rules. It may be rude, but it is not against the rules.
If they use language that violates the rules, that can be reported via right click report options. If you never want to be grouped with them again, you can put them on Ignore.
Feedback about the VTK system is how we have what we currently have. It is not perfect. It does address things players asked for though such as people leaving after one boss, people wanting to get kicked to avoid a leaver penalty (and trolling the group to cause the kick), etc.
The system is never set in stone and is subject to change in the future. What won’t be against the rules though is the majority using the tools they are given to determine who they want to play with. Blizzard is never going to sit around judging if each kick was “valid” or not. They don’t force players to play with each other. They only force people to be polite and not cheat.