World of Warcraft has many Iconic weapons. Most of them Broken or used by an NPC. That’s awesome, but they Look Really cool. Like Anduin’s Shalamayne Or Genn’s Duster! Heck, they could even bring back Old Legendry’s you cant get through gameplay anymore like Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian! All of these could me made for the Trading Post or even tossed on the in game cash shop for $5-$10. A price I would happly pay for these weapons and outfits. They would look amazing on many characters.
I know that there will be a lot of “Dont give them ideas” and blah blah, but honestly I would really like to have a Frostmourne Replica on this character!
I don’t care if they put it in the Trading Post or in the cash shop but I would prefer the original quest restored so I can experience it as well as earn the staff.
Kaznarok here. Won’t lie, looking at the Lo’Gosh armor I kind of have the urge to make this guy’s backstory that he was raised by Orcs and carries that with him to the Alliance. I kind of also wish Alliance had access tot he Bloodflank Charger mount from BfA as that’d be perfect for him, like his Orc family found a horse and had armor specially made for it for their “son”
I don’t normally willingly jump on store items, but I want that Sylvanas set so badly that I am willing to drop money if they’d just release it.
I also want the dreadlord one, but not enough to give real cash for it. I am currently saving gold to buy tokens for them, and if I run out of time and don’t get them it won’t be devestating. That Sylvanas set, though, can easily take my cash lol.