Replica Field Marshal

We are still missing the Replica Field Marshal vendor that should be in Area 52. This is the gear that allows those who obtained at least Rank 7 in vanilla to transmog the Field Marshal set and Grand Marshal weapons. Blizz please do not forget to add this vendor as many of us have been planning to transmog to this set. I have reported this every update with no luck.


I thought the requirement was Rank 8 classic title OR 1800 RBG rating (which gives you rank 8 title) ?


the vendor isnt up on wrath ptr either i just checked.


It should require Rank 12/13 for the gear and 14 for the weapons only, since that’s what it required to obtain them in the first place

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That set should be just open for all instead after doing rated PVP we all payed honor for it back in the day and now its locked ???

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Not how it works in retail nor original Cataclysm.

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You can still transmog to it if you achieve 1800 in RBGs. Won’t matter anyways if they don’t give us the replica vendor.

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Interestingly enough, if you were rank 8 or above in original cata/mop you were eligible to acquire the level 60 pvp gear as transmog, but if you were 1800 rated battleground rating or higher it would also allow you to equip the vanilla pvp gear as transmog as well. Thus far, level 60 pvp skins should be available to players that are at least rank 8 or above.

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im rank 13 on my priest but i still cant mog them :frowning:


this is live why are we beta testing? vendors are still missing items ffs


This is still missing! Blizzard drops the ball with this and all the other bugs. Was hoping for a better launch but I guess it’s silly to get my hopes up when Activision is calling the shots. They just focus on rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

Cata is truly the end of classic in more then one way it seems

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Blizz plz add the vendor already for Replica R14 gear I refuse to xmog to anything else