Replace old flying with Dragon Riding

I think it’s clear. Dragon riding is a huge success and very popular.

I hope that for next expansion, every flying mount in the game is incorporated into the dragon riding system and old flying is removed permanently.

It was never a good design. It’s an insult to flying and a glorified no clip. It has been restricted for many an expansion because the design is that horrible and game breaking.

Finally we have a solution with Dragon riding, that gives travel and flight meaningful game play.

It is time to deal the final deathblow to this old relic.


No thanks it’s tedious and annoying


You should learn how to do it first little guy.

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No. Prefer slower flying.


Lets have both.

Shocking to allow choice I know

But this thread is probably a troll


And let bots have free reign? It’s better to just kill off this legacy mechanic and for wow to progress with the times.

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Yup, they’re trolling. Bots have already figured out how to get around DR. It’s almost like they can use Software to mimic key input.


And also kill off players who may have up to 18 years of progress on characters in the game if they are physically unable to perform dragonriding. You are not the authority on what other players can and cannot do based on potential physical limitations.

But even if you were, do you honestly believe bot writers won’t be able to figure out dragon riding? There’s no randomness involved and all the velocity vectors are calculatable. By the end of the expansion, I’d bet bots will be able to outfly humans in dragon riding.


Is this the new sunday troll topic?

Look up tasbot if you haven’t heard about it…it can literally play pre-programmed games PERFECTLY without a skip and perform glitches otherwise near impossible by speedrunners like in Mario. Programmable machines can do anything once fed the right info and do inhumane things our fingers are too slow to remotely do.

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Indeed, taking away player choice makes this newest batch of trolls deliriously happy because they are desperate to feel superior any way they can. They make the raid or die crowd look almost reasonable by comparison.


So, you’re saying the Steven Universe and RWBY fandoms decided to come over to WoW… great.

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futile response from that which has no idea I’ve been playing wow since 2004 :+1:t3: Little guy how funny

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You can fly slowly, just takes practice

Skill issue

Lol Righto champ


This needs to happen, No reason for us to keep the old legacy system.

People with motion sickness, There are tricks and things you can do to help it. No reason to keep old flying at this point.

How about no and we let players choose instead of alienating people who have played this game for most of the last 18 years.