Replace Doom with Doom Brand in the future

Never understand why people do this….

No one has to have a specific rating to give an opinion on the game, and having a specific rating doesn’t make your opinion worth more. Particularly when you’re talking about fun rather than dps or mechanical function.

Sounds like you simply want ez mode target dummy dps rotation. You can just say that without trying to dismiss others based on an irrelevant number

It wouldn’t be so bad if it procced an imp like it use to and maybe add a chance to proc a doomguard when crit or sonething.

You clearly don’t understand what credibility is or why it matters.

Nor do you seem to understand the game is completely different between how things are pulled at 1400 IO versus 3k IO

You should probably stop trying to assume what I want because youre terrible at it.

To put it in “softer terms” Snoz isn’t wrong.

Affliction feels much different in 20-25 keys than it does in 10-16s so the perspective on a spec DOES differ between the players playing at different levels.

Affliction feels so much better in higher keys … problem is the work and effort u put in compared to demo makes people like me opt for the easier option even if I love affliction thematically and would love to main it full time.

Now the crux of the issue is why is the spec so disparingly different between key levels such that you will struggle to play what u want in lower keys due to the way the spec is designed. Shadow Priest (the other “dot spec”) doesn’t struggle to be viable in lower keys like Affliction does. That’s on the devs (and it’s not like it’s a new issue).

It’s wrong because the thread wasn’t designed to evaluate anyone’s experience.

Actually it’s not wrong because I said that tab targeting to apply doom brands isn’t fun or engaging.

Someone with 1400 io tried to tell
Me it was fine.

I then responded things are played differently at 1400 than at 3k

I then explained the game is different at those ratings.

Nothing I said was wrong.

I dunno … It’s as much or not as much fun as refreshing DoTs as affliction.

Personally speaking of course. We all enjoy or don’t enjoy different things.

It’s certainly LESS enjoyable than just picking your priority target and sticking on it, certainly but the damage from the tier set at least means effort = reward for the most part.

Tbh most pulls as Aff if done properly you’re spamming vt/rot putting up ua/haunt and then spamming seed

Aff aoe is only an issue in 2-5 targets when you need to get SL up on every target before MR dumping.

Which is why I said it’s not fun or engaging.

True. Compared to S1 and S2, maybe a wee bit less engaging … but I do like the damage from it lol.

… I hate Siphon Life. HATE IT.

If I could find a group with a tank that doesn’t kite out of rof and pulls big I’d just play Destro. Demo is more pug friendly.

I love it outside of 2-5 target which is why I advocate for VT to apply SL

Agreed on that. I miss when SL was only your raid go-to. It’s not enjoyable in M+ outside of 2 target and boss fights.

I tried destro in a key last night … and for just the reason you stated I remembered why i stopped doing destro in keys lol. Rift is great for movement though (think it was a miss for people to vote for the Season 1 tier set for Season 4 myself but don’t wanna open that can of works on this thread lol).

Yeah I’m ok with seed spam just because big numbers but that 2-5 target is brutal.

Kalimazi just released two videos. One exclusively on how good the s3 set was for right and then touched on it in his latest ptr video.

So I take a little satisfaction in proving certain people wrong.

Are you swapping Doom Blossum for Dread Touch on Tyrannical weeks? Seed Spam feels kind of laclustre outside of DB for me …

I usually play Destro on tyranical weeks depending on the group makeup. If it’s mostly strong single target I go demo but if it’s with people who naturally cleave I go Destro. I want the boss damage.

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Don’t forget Doom’s real role: Tagging mobs in world content.

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If we’re speaking of affliction being different in higher keys, sure

But we aren’t.

Idk how affliction even got brought into this.

It can all be boiled down to: He doesn’t like tab targeting doom and thinks it’s not fun, others disagree.

You gave an opinion. Someone disagreed, and your first instinct was to wave your IO score and say they’re wrong.

They aren’t.

Demo tab targets doom brand at 1400 or 3k.

You simply don’t like it and think it’s not fun.