Repeated disconnections

I logged in and get disconnected within about 2-5 minutes. I have tried about 8 times now. When I try to go to another character it is the same thing. I even tried changing realms twice, first time it was in the middle of loading the list of realms and dc’ed me. Then it loaded the other realm only to be dc’ed after logging onto a character there. I tried to load the in game customer support window and dc’ed once, then tried again and it said that it couldn’t load it at this time. Closed that window was about to try something with my character and dc’ed again. Is there something wrong with game? I am able to access other things on my connection with no issues. It is only the game that is giving connection grief/issues.

Lets rule out a corrupted UI

I did what the article said to do. I was able to log onto one character but got disconnected withing 3 minutes. After that trying to relaunch the game and I get disconnected before I even see the character list. I occasionally also lose connection to the Battle Net application. I checked to see if I had that problem anywhere else that utilizes my internet connection, but it seems to be isolated to Blizzard. I have had the problem before during those “attacks” on the Blizzard servers/website.

I would touch base with tech support at this point no internet is 100% perfect unfortunately.

How do I do that without needing to go through the in game ticket method? I had thought that is what I did on here.

You can submit a ticket to Tech Support here on the website.

Ticket link:

The forum isn’t a guaranteed point-of-contact for Blizzard staff, only the ticket system provides that. However, the community can sometimes troubleshoot with you if the proper diagnostic data is provided.