Rep system change idea

Over the last few months, I’ve been playing Star Trek Online quite a bit. Just need something else to play in tandem with WOW.

STO does have a reputation system. Without breaking down the entirety of the system, it does have a feature that I believe would be a compromise to account-wide rep.

In short, when you reach Tier 5 of a faction’s reputation, every character on the account will now get double the reputation gains.

To translate that to WOW, when a character become exalted, all characters on the account will gain double rep gains. Maybe increase the multiplier more if multiple characters on an account become exalted.

I believe this is a good compromise that will keep the character progression matters with account-wide unlocks/progression.

That’s basically what they had in MoP, except you chose to activate it by buying the unlock at Exalted. It was really the best solution to all this alt rep nonsense and I have no idea why they immediately abandoned it.

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This is why.

Wow you dug that up awful quick.

I have no problems with being able to boost your other characters. I have problems with reputation being completely tied to accounts alone.

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That was 10 minutes ago.

You replied in five :wink:

I’ll reply after a day just for you.


At the end MoP’s system really was the best. Between the optional double rep bonus and rep BoA rep tokens you mail to alts, you could “work” on your alts rep while on your main. And before they took away the cash value you use them to move gold across realms/ factions…not that I did that >.>

I think they removed it because they knew they were planning to do to the paragon system where rep is never really done (which I hate by the way). Double rep and the BoA tokens would make it very easy to game the system for people will a lot of alts.

My tin foil hat theory is that they like making us suffer which is why the always keep the worst systems from an xpac.