Rep Quest turn in macro

I’m aiming to level up the Aldor faction and am trying to turn in the items as fast as possible. I’ve found several macros on WoWHead but they do not seem to do anything. I’ve tried:

/script C_GossipInfo.SelectAvailableQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()


/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)
/script SelectGossipActiveQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script SelectGossipOption(1)
/script AcceptQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()

I’m not sure what I’m missing, but I also very rarely use macros. I’m trying to turn in Dreadfang Venom Sacs to Sha’nir.

You’re likely missing some namespace prefixes.

/console scriptErrors 1

That’ll show you if/where they’re throwing errors, then google the line that’s the problem, and check wowpedia for the correct syntax.


Will do, thanks!