Rep for Nightfall

Greetings, I just came back from a break from WoW and created a DH. Currently I am working on my class hall question line. I noticed that I have to have certain rep with the Nightfall. Even though I have completed it on another toon. Do I have to start from over with this toon? Also, where do I start for my rep?

As far as I know, there is no rep requirement to complete your class hall campaign. Can you explain which part you are on that is saying you need it?

When I am looking at the Illidari provisioner and I am looking the gloves of the shattered abyss. It says that I need the Nighfallen - Honored to purchase the item.

Reps don’t carry over between characters, so yes, you need to earn it again if you need the rep for something.

You don’t need to buy the class hall set gloves to complete the class hall questline. So, it really only matters if you want the transmog appearance. (At 111, you’ll have access to better gear.)

Do keep in mind that if you end up doing Balance of Power on the character, there are rep requirements tied to some of those quests. (Including Nightfallen rep.)

Thank you very much!!!