Rep buff still up?

It’s still in my character’s buffs. Did they extend it?

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Could be automated and will be removed at 1pm.
If they extended it they would of announced it somewhere I believe.

Thats entirely possible

use it while you got it :stuck_out_tongue:

1 hour remaining assuming, I’m burning the remainder of whatever Paragon I can hit.

So that means 150% from world quests right now, nice.

It might be 1pm PST so that means you got little over 3 hrs to get it done.

On my human right now I’m getting almost 200 rep per world quest. I’m gonna miss this buff when it leaves lol.

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Yea, right now I have a 100% rep buff and a 50% rep buff from WQs. I’m loving this. I hope it stays.

Look Blizzard, feedback that you will ignore.

Wasnt it extended to shadowlands prepatch?

I know the exp bonus was, but I thought the !00% rep bonus was going away.

yea, thats going away.

It’s still up for now. Hopeful until I finish my WQs. Ugh, I wish I could get like one more week or two. I’m so close to finishing my ARs.

It’s still going lol. Alright, going to burn every WQ on every char until its gone.

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Hoping it stays up! Wow is more fun with it.

At least more tolerable. I have not enjoyed these rep grinds.

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Yea it’s a nice alternate gold grind imo and allows people to catch up on ranks. Overall it helps get more people gold and recipes which may be better for the wow economy as now we have a ton of sellers and lack of buyers since everyone is saving for Brutosaur.

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Mechagon is still slow. I don’t care. Rep buff or no, I’m waiting until shadowlands to get mechagnomes.

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Fair enough. Roommate used it to finally get pathfinder. That’s too much for me. Even with the buff. I just thought I’d finally get my ARs done (3 left)

I completely understand. I keep going because SL is the payoff. Either I have it done and get it early or I get it then. But I don’t blame you, I wondered about just waiting myself. I got to Revered yesterday finally and finished the quest chain and did the dungeon.