I made this post in the arena forums, but realized that very few people who currently do not PVP would ever go there to read anything.
I would be very interested in hearing from people who might want to try PVP or try rated PVP, but currently do not. Might something like this encourage you to try it?
It’s happening for the next raid. PVP could use the same treatment. Reward players for participation in PVP. Separate the arbitrary rating numbers from those rewards.
The bonus weapons could be on the renown track, along with the 9 heraldry bonus, elite xmogs, vicious saddles/pvp mount, the weapon illusion, etc. (why not new pvp war band campsite backgrounds?)
Leave the prestigious % based titles off this track, (even glad mounts, if glad mounts could be % based again).
This + fixing the arbitrary rating system and MMR could go a long ways to increasing participation in PVP IMO.
It would be a great idea like the one they’re adding for the raid next patch.
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Chance to get older gladiator mounts and you have a deal !!
I don’t see any downsides to this suggestions
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OP, I think you’re thinking of the Honor Level System. It’s currently very outdated and could use a fresh coat of paint tho.
I am not thinking of the honor level system. To many, that has meant almost nothing since Legion when they introduced it as a way to unlock abilities in PVP (very much like Call of Duty, it even had a prestige system as i recall…). Since that was dropped after Legion, it has become essentially an endless grind for a mount or pet every few months.
I guess there are some similarities, but in my mind, this would be a seasonal renown track, much like the other renown tracks we see in PVE.
One thing about honor level that is still functional though is grouping newer players (to PVP) together in unrated BGs. I think it is still the case that people below honor level 30 get put into a separate queue from those above honor level 30. I think this is still useful and should continue.