So you don’t think Blizzards underlings should face some hard hitting questions?
Yeah DK is kind of in the same boat there. Was hoping I would be able to use my remorseless winter and rime proc legendaries together for big AoE damage
Oh for love of all that is green and good.
Can’t we just have a “play the game how you want, discover how to decipher their language, and just enjoy yourself,” where it’s not gated nor.power progression?
I think it’s unhealthy to subject yourself to a video game that you hold so much animosity towards. All you do is constantly throw mud and hatred at the game and the company, just walk away.
Ahh a qualified psychologist.
I look forward to seeing your credentials.
What are you talking about? Kleia is pretty much the BiS for most healers when it comes to Kyrian soulbinds to begin with, just from the 6% crit alone.
sounds like another
press the " reset this system we all work for in years and restart again and forget this existed" button.
how many time have they press that button?? i actually lost count.
Meanwhile, some combos make out like bandits, like the Kyrian Paladin divine toll legendary as an example. Or the Venthyr Druid one.
It’s silly when they say “your 2nd legendary has to be a covenant one” when there are such massive gaps between the utter trash some specs get, and the S-tier covenant legendaries available to others.
Yeah for real. And like, Frost DK is already bottom of the barrel doo doo water. Our cleave, which is supposed to be our niche mind you, would actually be decent if we could pick our legendaries.
Meanwhile classes that are already good are gonna be benefitted heavily here. I hope they go back on this decision or do massive retuning on them because that is going to be incredibly frustrating.
Or just let everyone use any 2 legendaries.
Would need less tuning work on their part than re-doing the covenant legendaries, probably.
Yeah, thats what I meant when I said go back on the decision, probably should have been more specific lol. I really don’t see why we can’t equip any two. Especially when they say we are “leaving the covenant story behind” but we have to wear one of their legendaries?
Agreed. Some covenant leggos are just completely worthless atm and will leave some covenants unplayed in 9.2.
The difference in value of the venthyr legendary and the necrolord legendary for druids is…i cant find words for it. The necrolord leggo is just worthless in any content.
And I am pretty sure theres other classes/specs/covenants that suffer the same way.
Here we go with another grind factor,gg.
And replaced with another grind
I feel like I am losing my mind, I see a pattern here every time, but I see more people falling for it than calling him out on it.
Yeah same way Azrite was phased out in the last patch of BfA only to have corruption take its place as the new grind.
Im not referring to zone progression. I think that aspect could be very cool depending how they do it. Why do I need to level up my Cypher to equip a second legendary which I already can equip now? There’s not even an RPG reason for that. On patch day we should be able to equip our second legendary without having to grind an arbitrary thing out first.
Thank you, and do you plan on disabling them in 9.2 content? That would be very cool and alt friendly. Please let us know.
progression used to just be gear
now every single thing is sliced into 10-50 marginal increases with grinds for every single step
it is just boring with minimal dopamine but requiring maximum /timeplayed
Does this mean I need to level my cooking to progress in the next patch?