Renown 15 requirement has been lifted

If thats the route they choose then they should be happy they were given the choice!

“I dont want to sleep on a mattress, I want to sleep on the ground!”
“Okay here you go”
“The ground is hard and lumpy! I want it to be soft like a mattress!”

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Oh god no please don’t make old flying faster. I can’t handle dragonriding because the speed makes me nauseous, I don’t want to have that problem with old flying too.


This particular pathfinder made no sense. I know pathfinder’s not popular in general. But when you have a arguably (barely arguable) superior flight day one and had to earn a lesser flying… It made the type of sense that doesn’t.

This is a decent compromise but I can understand how some people would still be confused that it was necessary to begin with. the old pathfinders had zero flying and this one already had a better one.

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Yeah I don’t understand why people keep saying we’re going to ask for our regular mounts to go faster.

No thanks :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I mean will the majority? Who knows. will a noticeable chunk? I mean… cmon.


I have no idea what you just said.


No one ever does


Well, your edit cleared it up a bit.

I don’t think the majority of players that didn’t like DR would ask for regular mounts to go as fast. Doesn’t make sense.


Since when do people make sense?


Yeah I know.


It’s equitable to having a max level Alliance character, but still having to take the time to level a Horde alt.

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Yeah I’m fine with slower flying. Just a chill experience. And it’ll help me look for secrets, chests and nodes easier. The speed sometimes makes me :nauseated_face:


So now the new troll tactic, now that pathfinder is gone is to use the “now they are just going to want faster old school mounts” as if people have not been asking for faster flying mounts since Wrath came out and people sayin we shouldn’t be trapped with always having the same flying speeds every new expansion.

If you’re trying to say that the horde are slow I agree.

exactly. I asked for flying back because I get nauseous and because as gatherer, I wanted that hover. I feel like it was a legitimate request. I’m willing to pay the price by not getting the premium speed of GW2 flight. But the fastest way to make us look like whining idiots is to complain about them being slow, or to want more and more.

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