Renown 15 requirement has been lifted

i didnt insult you for your opinions. Whos the actual clown here


Go on now and find another thread to be annoying in. Let us be happy with our opinions here


are you trying to censor me now. Youd be happier if you played the game instead of malding on forums lol


I just want to thank Blizzard from the bottom of my heart. As a mount collector DF hurt my soul. I spent years of my life working toward Lord of The Reins. Thank you Blizzard for listening!! Thank you thank you!!


Pathfinder never needed to exist, but it’s what we have to deal with now, so it kind of just is what it is. Free flying on my alts is nice though, I will admit. I’ve got so many alts.


Okay buddy


That’s their long term goal. Make it sound hard to earn so the requirements are easier, then come the “well, really. We static flying gets this much of a buff it will be a benefit because

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I agree, it shouldve been something like 500k to purchase flying. adjusted for gold inflation every expansion.


And now you’ve lost me with that abomination of a take. Good day.


thats basically how it was in wrath and before pathfinder. why the 180?

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Probably because 500,000 is a wild price for flying. Inflation adjusted or not it’s still crazy steep and I’d be willing to bet most players don’t even have it


i mean back then in wrath getting cold weather flying for the average player was quite abit of work to be done in game for the gold
kinda like whaf pathfinder forces you to do

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Admittedly, I don’t remember how much flying costed in wrath. But I do remember getting it at 77 or whatever it was and it not being a big deal

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Getting slow flying wasn’t too bad, but it did take me a couple of weeks after hitting max level to get fast flying. I was farming and crafting a lot in that time.

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Near the end of wrath, you could get it around that time if you spent legit no gold.

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I played the game heavily since classic so I kinda always had a decent stock of gold, not rich or anything but I spent a lot of time doing mining and herbs, super lucrative early xpac at the time

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It wouldn’t be nice. The reason some people can’t handle dragonriding is due to vision or neurological issues because of the speed.

I even have friends who had to quit, because they auto updated the flying speed of their old mounts and they can no longer stay at the slower speed.

Static flying should absolutely stay as is.


As dumb as it sounds, I’m predicting a day where they ask for static flying to have “sprint” abilities so they can match the speed of dragonriding. Lol


Lol and this is where people get the mentality from.
Whine loud enough and get what you want.

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It worked so might as well keep doing it

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