Renewed Proto-Drake Love Armor manuscript (and other similar rare time restricted items)

They made it rare because this is a mmorpg. Rare items are apart of the genre. Some people like the rare hunt, and yes for Blizzard there is an element of encouraging players to stay subscribed. They are a business after all, and all businesses want you to spend money on their products.

The thing that really frustrates me is that it really feels like they just don’t listen to player feedback about these kinds of things at all. Their idea of bad luck protection is entirely terrible, because its STILL rng-based. Why not make it expensive on the holiday vendor (i.e. 400 love tokens)? People would be able to get it during the event as long as they did the dailies and dungeon runs, and hey, if those same people got unlucky and never got the drop then AT LEAST they have an option.


Yeah, it’s called a 0.06% droprate for the Love Armor.

I have doubts about it not having the opposite effect. For some of us, who collect a lot, it’s just one more thing to get, but I’d still be subscribed without it being added to the game, and really, if holidays had no collectibles at all and just minor events to give XP boosts and the like, I’m sure it wouldn’t change my subscription history one bit. Getting this item definitely won’t make me unsubscribe, and neither will not getting it.

On the other side though, I’ve interacted with a good number of fellow collectors over the years. Maybe my experience is abnormal, but to me it seems like the people more likely to get very fixated on tiny drop rate cosmetics were also the ones most likely to very permanently burn out. Getting the item they were after turns out to have very little long-lasting joy to it, and makes them re-think and often regret how much time they sank into it.

In other words, I think to the extent it has an effect, it just earns bad will and one more straw to the pile of someone who was maybe already tipping over to quitting (and perhaps permanent burnout).

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today marks my 1.428th kill for the event since it started on 5th. i am about to tribox x2 my toons for the day and hopefully i can get the love armor today. as i wont beable to get any kills in tomorrow due to work.

6 accounts 264 toons. i didnt kill everyday on every toon but i have been tracking my kills. 1,428 so far and no love armor.

i am starting to believe that the people on wowhead that are saying it is bugged are right. they are saying that if you already own the big love rocket that the manuscript wont drop for you. i cannot confirm this. and i already got the big love rocket back in 2016 after 10 and 1/2 gazillion kills. and i didnt get the love armor yet. and after all these kills i should of gotten it at least 10-20+ times by now.

maybe i will get it to drop after my 4-6 hours grind i am about to start. i hope so.

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I agree with your sentiments, all too well. I have a brief moment of excitement and happiness when I get a rare mount and don’t have to grind for it anymore, but after a while it all kinda becomes the same and it stops feeling rewarding.

It’s an immense waste of time and it just feels worse more and more if you end up never getting any of the specific items you want.

I didn’t want to go into this event feeling like I have to chase something, I just wanted to do the dailies and enjoy it at my leisure. I haven’t seen even the damn thing drop for other people either and I get the feeling that it’s bugged for a lot of people, because whenever I look on the forums or on wowhead people are reporting having never seen it drop for anyone at all.

TL;DR - not a fan of the droprate of the Love Armor, and I suspect it’s potentially bugged.

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I do suspect that it’s bugged, but I don’t believe it has to do with owning the Heartbreaker, as I and many others also don’t own that but are having no luck in seeing the manuscript drop for ourselves or anyone else.

I think it might be that, somewhere in the game files, its erroneously saying that the Love Armor counts as another manuscript, potentially one that people en masse already have. If you use/learn a manuscript, then it is entirely impossible to get a duplicate on your account. So, if the Love Armor is bugged in this way, that means there’s 0% chance to get it unless Blizzard fixes it. That is just a theory though, but it would explain why nobody ever seems to get it.

And yes, I am aware that people have gotten it. But I and many others have never seen it drop for us or for anyone else. I’ve seen the mount drop 3 times this year, ironically, but not a single manuscript. The 3rd mount I saw dropped just this morning for a druid, but no manuscript.

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It does feel like there is something going on. The only people who looted the Love Armor in guild either looted it on its own (and don’t own the rocket yet), OR they looted the Love Armor out of the same box as the rocket. (Two looted the rocket on its own and are going to miss out on the manuscript as well.)

Honestly the number of reports I’ve seen and had friends personally describe of both drops coming out of the same box tells me there is something strange there.

I’d just laugh and slam a Four Loco.

yup i have to agree. and even after all my kills, i dunno how many people open up their heart shaped box in the dungeon before leaving but i also did not see anyone else get it either. i know people have gotten it based off the comments on wowhead. but it just feels like something is off.

im gonna get back in there again. i have about an hour to spare so gonna see if i can get it before the event leaves today.

Good luck!

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so i wasnt able to do all my toons today due to limited time. but i did manage to squeeze in around 102 of them. bringing my grand total of attempts for the manuscript love armor to 1,530 attempts. not only did i not get it. i did not see anyone in any of groups i was in get it.

so as it stands i think you are correct as well as the hundreds of other people in my discord groups, wowhead and reddit, not to mention a few other people on the forums here. and that is that it is bugged. it has to be.

I agree, not to mention it’s tied to being expansion exclusive. It’s only for one dragon instead of all of them.

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Rare drops are fine. Rare drops with limited availability 1x a year are not fine.

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