Rend really required in rotation?

I’m a returning PVP-only Warrior. Rend is brought up for arms in nearly all builds, but I was thinking of doing a build without any Rend abilities at all. It seems like foregoing the rend talent path would free up some talent points for other use. My thinking would be to use slam as my rage dump if no other abilities are available to be used.

Would I be making a big mistake in forgoing all Rend abilities? Any special mechanics or interactions I would be missing out on if I do that?


Cmon bud, use your noggin.

Rend is an integral part of arms in it’s damage profile, you’re trolling if you dont talent into it and use it, especially with SkS being a near lock in for single target.

DoTs are also more effective damage wise in pvp due to uptime not being perfect.

TLDR: use rend.


This 100%.

Try to fight a mage without rend. You’ll need that dot damage.

Not taking rend would free up talent points. The problem would be that those are talent points you pick besides rend will give you less damage.

If you talent into rend, slam is still your rage dump.

If your goal is to have fun then it’s not a mistake if no rend brings you joy. If your goal is to do the most damage and win in pvp yes it is a mistake.

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Go slayer arms pvp, pick up rend and thunderclap.take rend off your bar, Thunderclap will apply rend for you. Dragons roar with capstone to make your bleeds even more bloody. Watch everything fall over and profit


Thanks for the feedback, all.

Doing some napkin (okay, spreadsheet) math, it seemed like a fully talented Rend would only be doing 1.25-1.30x a MS, which was questionable worth to me, given the number of talents required to buff bleeds. I think the very convincing part is Skullsplitter, which speeds up bleeds. I misunderstood Deep Wounds to work more like Ignite on Mage (damage stacks up with further applications), but this was incorrect. So it’s definitely valuable to speed up bleeds via Skullsplitter so that new MS hits apply new Deep Wounds. And I can see how Rend plays nicely into this.

So you all ever actually press the Rend button in BGs? Or is it all just Thunder Clap (even with Colossus)?


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Yes i hit tclap and completely remove rend from my bar. You want rend its good passive damage you can put on multiple targets. Theres also a talent that has a chance to give you 5 rage on any bleed tick and a talent that makes your mortal strike auto apply rend if they are below 35% if you just really hate reapplying it yourself. Rend is worth using. So charge in tclap a bunch of people clumped up, avatar, warbreaker, dragons roar, blade storm for deep wounds while you auto throw out mortal strukes from your bladestorm ticks. You now have rend dot, dragons roar, and deep wounds on multiple tagets while bladestorm ticking on them. Its a massive ammount of damage

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You can also charge and shockwave to get more time for setup. You want to get into bladestorm asap so you are immune to cc, because for some reason people dont like it when a juggernaut comes barreling at them to beat them to death with a giant stick

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Everyone remeber that old keybinding meme, “if I move with my mouse, how do I click rend?”

Here we are in 2024 and warriors don’t even want to rend anymore.

Yeah, just like i don’t want to conect my phone cable to my pc to get internet

Warriors don’t even want to stance dance anymore either. Sad times.

Battle Charge Bezerker Rage → Bezerker Stance Intercept