Basically left a leveling dungeon group cause this one dude kept pulling all the trash and we couldn’t get rid of him.
Shame I was the tank.
Basically left a leveling dungeon group cause this one dude kept pulling all the trash and we couldn’t get rid of him.
Shame I was the tank.
in normal dungeons - and you can learn to heal in world content - all sorts of people out there trying to die
I wasn’t sure on where it was and wasn’t available at. Still learning what is and isn’t part of it.
To add: I felt that was a bit rude =(
You just said ppl shouldnt learn in dungeons tho?
Im confused
learning to play and learning to heal are different things
They actually removed vote kick?
It’s currently not working, but in a way that looks more like a bug than a removal.
Whether bug or intentional, we need some recourse for AFK and DCers, at minimum.
This patch is turning into a trolling paradise!
This is silly. How are people going to learn how to do group content if we’re kicking the new people out?
Think about your comment for a moment before answering. We were all new to dungeons/the game at one time or another.
If it’s anything like overwatch report them for gameplay sabotage. They will get actioned.
yes and I got kicked and it was a good thing or else I would have dragged down groups for months because there would have been no need to improve
Record please, I wanna see this.
that’s cute. Back in my day, we used to HELP new players.
well that was cata so if you are going to talk about 15 years ago times have changed
Would be nice if you could offer help to players without a decent chance that you get told to leave them alone in a rather rude fashion.
Has to be a bug,
I’m reading on theses forums…
Target player, type /votekick
eh that’s just to look good, people, news sites and social media pages were all talking about how awesome it is that Blizzard is taking the issue seriously by making people accept that and etc. They will most likely not bother enforcing it because it’s too much effort to do so and it won’t look as shiny on an article as the contract itself does.
And…how would you improve if you’re barred from content that you can use to improve? You’re grossly exaggerating if you’re suggesting that either now or back whenever you’re referring to that you can just go out and find situations in the open world that even come close to simulating what being in a dungeon group is like.
I don’t support this change, but maybe it’ll teach people to stop blindly clicking yes, - even when it’s some jerk kicking someone because they don’t like that person’s shoes or because that person stopped to pick up a quest item they needed.