Removing queue restrictions is a terrible idea

It’s so annoying that solo players are constantly forced to deal with premades. Why is this even a thing? Premades should ONLY face other premades, there’s literally nothing wrong with that.


need to allow Over flow games… aka horde on horde if not enough allys are queing.

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Premades gain nothing from fighting other premades.

The entire point of joining a premade is to farm as much honor as possible as fast as possible.

I play WoW as a lone player. It really is not fun to have to queue into premades constantly. Im not adverse to joining Ally premades and sometimes do, but its not always an available option.

Premades vs Premades and Pugs vs Pugs. Up the mark rewards for premade groups.


They already gave in to the anti-premade whiners going into p2 and it killed BGs.

Premades were brought back for a reason.

If you’re an edgy “lone player” then BGs might not be for you.

Competent players do not want to pop titans and bring consumes only to be forced to play with random morons who are not geared properly.


Premade vs Premade solves all your problems. What it seems is, you want to pick on pugs because youre not actually man enough to fight other premade groups.


Sad that you think fighting a premade on this electronic toy somehow makes you a “man”. People just want to be able to efficiently farm honor for their cap without crybabies like you trying to contrive it.

How about you be “man enough” to face down a premade as the edgy “lone player” you chose to be.


The problem is the classic honor system, it incentivizes ppl to form premades to literally farm unorganized pug groups like they’re NPCs for max hph. It’s not actually interesting but it’s classic /shrug

You’re full of :poop: brother. If that were the case then what you would be advocating for would be like minded gigachad pvpers who run flasks, consumes and eng to have their own little sandbox to play with other gigachads in but that’s not really what they want. What they really want is to farm unorganized pugs in the GY for fast honor.

I play both sides of this coin so you aren’t fooling anyone with your BS.


what bs are we talking about here? the part where they literally said " people just want to be able to efficiently farm honor" seems legit to me. or was it when serious players dont like to play with a bunch of afk andies?

It didn’t kill them at all. We have the same queue times.


Premade que times being exessive is more of a problem than your “im stricly a solo player, i dont socialize, Everyone should play like me” problem. Deal with it.
Wow isnt made for Lone Players.

No it isnt, The problem is that people dont understand the MMORPG element to this game yet.
(Its designed so we work together)

All I hear is, “These people are more organised and better at the game then me, Blizzard take away the advantage that theyve built for themselves to make it more fair for ME! Because I want to be a lone player! wah wah wah”

Likewtf, hear yourself.

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And I find their logic questionable. Take me for instance…

I’m a solo random BG queuer too but my attitude is, bring on the premades; even if they overpower me.

Horde like me came back for 2019 relaunch but have since faded away. We defeated a few premades as randoms during the classic re-launch but as we moved towards Cata, the old horde guard has since quit or returned to vanilla-era or stopped PvPing altogether.

So what I see now is an unsoldierly-like attitude, not willing to accept things for what they are and just do your best with what you’re given. You get 1 or 2 BGers like this and it starts a snowball “let them win” effect and the premade just does whatever it wants. There’s no “last stand” mentality and people just fold so easily, counterintuitive to what a BGer is supposed to be.

Not completely their fault. Grinding honor is tied to progression so when you get a real PvPer like me that loves battle and doesn’t give a rat’s @$$ about grinding, it causes friction amongst teammates and transcends into what the state of the horde is today… From what I hear, across various expansions…

I hear horde don’t show up to most Tol Barads in Cata.

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It was extra stupid because they removed it the same patch that increased AB rewards. Getting completely stomped by premades and getting zero honor was the entire reason why people stopped queuing for AB. They should’ve kept the separate queues.

Says who? You?

Take your own advice. No one asked to take away premades. Why so averse to premade vs premade and pug vs pug settings?