Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

Because I didn’t care if pets were removed if it meant fixing mms glaring issues.

If you actually looked at my posts you can see I never said pets should be removed. I explained why they were removed.

Since MM is being left with pets they can now do a new ranged weapon master spec for Warrior or Rogues, maybe even a give DH their 3rd spec with a ranged weapon & fel magic spec.

Ty for posting this, I missed it!! :hugs:

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Then don’t take the intentionally sub optimal Talent that gives you a pet and nerfs your damage? and then you get to play with all the changes blizz made to make MM petless as a focus and keep all your utility AND not have to waste a talent point on lone winter since its baked in by default + A second talent point can be spent elsewere instead of on the “Useless” sub-optimal by design pet talent?

seriously do people not read, blizz is not forcing anyone to take the Completely optional and overall irrelevant talent to bring pets, if you want to be petless, just don’t take the talent, and literally nothing changes for you.

See what happens when you post untrue information?

Nothing I said was untrue though

If most were happy with the change, they would not have reverted it back.

They didnt revert anything.

They added a new talent which allows people the option to use a standard pet at a substantial loss of dps which is something I said they were planning on adding.

Them doing that has ZERO to do with the majority being happy with the changes, thats them adding the option for solo content.

Big win for the Hunter and WoW community.

BlizZard bent the knee and reversed course 100 MPH.

This is why feedback matters.

Players are the ultimate meta.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Ok dude.

Im sorry you cant comprehend how the spec is designed before and after.

Previously the pet was baseline with all utility and you had to talent into LW.
in 11.1 no pet will be baseline and utillity will be on the eagle with an optional talent to use a pet at a dps loss.

I still win

Yeah no. You full well thought MM pet was being REMOVED a few days ago and were pretty happy to ask people “for there stuff” who did not like the change. You were wrong and are now trying to back peddle.

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You tried so hard and failed so miserably

If their goal is to keep RPG in MMORPG then they failed that goal somewhere around the launch of Legion.

You said this YESTERDAY after previous weeks of claiming they are REMOVING pets lol.
Nice back peddling.

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Actually I said it before yesterday, thats just a requote.

You clearly have never done anything in development where they remove things and add them later.

At the time they WERE removing pets.

So like I said

No ones buying it dude.

Do you honestly think I care what you think?

Enjoy the L

Sorry your ego was shattered, maybe be nicer to people or atleast be right.

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My ego wasnt shattered.

Im nice to people who are nice to me.

I was right.

Literally called what was happening.