That alone makes me grateful you are not in charge my furry friend. Take 2 bones out of petty cash and have a great day.
It’s all good. I have come to expect sarcasm, snark, and opposition from about 2 dozen people on this forum. Just another Monday.
Well, I am going to hop into a different game for a lil bit and soak in an Onsen in order to start my gaming day off right.
Aww, woulda given you bonus points if you had a zen garden squeezed in there
In the game I am playing, I do.
So leave Hunters to be the ranged pet class they always have been, and create a new class that is entirely ranged without pets. Make the Archer class, 3 specs (eg Longbow, Horsebow and Kyudo (spiritual) specs) with their own unique abilities and story.
All it takes is a bit of creative imagination, to add something new and special rather than mutilating something that is already special.
This is what I was hoping a DH 3rd spec would be. A bow using ranged melee with bits of fel energy thrown into the mix.
I think the problem is they have used up all their archer ideas with MM Hunter. If they create an Archer class it would have a lot of overlap with MM Hunter.
The simplest solution is still the status quo, provide a talent to play without a pet. (Almost) everyone is happy.
First they removed Frost Mage’s Water Elemental pet, now this … This is the expansion of unnecessary changes.
If they make MM petless I’m willing to give it a try but not expecting them to give me the same gameplay I’ve had soloing content. I’ll try BM with one pet again just to see if I can get used to it or enjoy it. But I’ve been getting my Mage caught up on content and gear because I expect to make her my main instead.
We’ll see. I didn’t realize that the new changes were already on the ptr. Must take a look.
I imagine that MM could simply be retooled into something that similarly follows its playstyle (Call it Trapper or something?), while making a true “Sniper” spec in the “Marksman” class, or something like that.
Not necessarily. Mages and Warlocks are both casters and each has 3 specs which are different to each other.
For example, using my Archer example, Longbow could rely on strength; pulling a true longbow requires strength as the bows have very heavy pulls, so spells/abilities could almost bear a similarity to warriors, except they use ranged abilities rather than melee. Horsebow could provide a special horse to allow archers to fire on the move which would be a completely unique spec and require speed and agility along with special horse handling skills. Kyudo would be a spiritual skill, requiring Spirit which is built up a little like Evoker with a reformed style of Focus and perhaps a new sub stat of Accuracy.
I think it could be done if they cared to.
This ain´t an MMORPG
This is the worst eSport you ever heard of
Now that I can get behind.
It’s worth mentioning that blizz did something similar like this when they changed Demonology Warlocks fantasy completely.
Maybe they’re working on an actual Ranger class for a future expac?
EDIT: it would explain why they want to get rid of Lone Wolf completely, despite it being popular.
Mmm, AI videos.
Or they could just make MM a non-pet spec like they’re doing since it already has nearly every ability you might commonly think of having on an archer/ranged archetype.
Or they could make MM a spec that can choose to use a pet or not, like they did for 10 years and worked fine, that already had every ability you might commonly think of having on an archer/ranged archetype PLUS every ability you might commonly think of havin on an archer/ranged with a pet archetype.
My thoughts on the Archer class were a way to preserve the core pet aspects of being a Hunter. Not considering the changes as a way of being an archer.