Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

It’s not a real pet anymore than murder of crows or sentinel is. The entire part of splitting off your dps to another entity that can be CC’d, killed, or bug out is removed as a factor.

And I don’t even like the poop owl of Sentinel, so why would I want another bird being shoved into my spec?

I dunno why Blizzard wont take the easy option that everyone asks for and goes for these half-brained half-baked half-solutions, but its their game I guess. we’ll see what the reaction from the actual player base is once it goes live.


Neither do I but I’ll take it over the half-baked nonsense we have now where MM is gimped both with, or without the pet out.

MM is just fine as is, in 90% of the content in the game.


Calling it a poop owl just makes you sound retarded.

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Got any proof of this? Or just spouting something to prove a point?

Trying to keep everyone happy, which is impossible and the spec has suffered for it in recent years. Now they’ve decided to bite the bullet and give the class a much needed rework.

In every form of gameplay you are better off running BM if you were using a pet. Now you will have access to the entire toolkit without a pet as MM. Can’t wait.

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I already have access to the entire toolkit as MM now. This change is taking away my agency, and shoving more pets that I don’t want onto me.

One of the most common points of feedback we’ve heard is that all of the specs are cool on their own, but none of them maintain the existing “Hunter + Ranged Weapon + Single Pet” archetype that people have grown attached to (Survival is now Melee, Marksmanship has lost its pet, and Beast Mastery has added a ton of additional pets).

Marksmanship losing its pet has been one of the most impactful, but contentious changes we’ve made this expansion. We’re going to try returning the pet to Marksmanship, baseline, along with Lone Wolf as a level 15 talent (and very competitively tuned), so that this is a choice again.

https:// eyesofthebeast .com/2016/03/legion-marksmanship-is-getting-its-pet-back/

I’ll get back to you when I can dig up the WoD patchnotes.


Seems fair. /sarc

And I say that as former MM main and current MM/BM player.

Whelp, them’s the brakes. Adapt or move on I guess

:roll_eyes: Throughput will obviously be balanced around this fact

I intend to give feedback during the PTR in hopes they change it.
If they don’t, then I’m done with this game. There are too many pain points they keep introducing that makes playing more like an abusive relationship at this point.


Ok cool have fun with that lol

Personally, this wont kill MM for me (I think its an OK spec but I prefer BM), I’m just glad BM is getting the option to go back to one pet, hopefully it gets “Enlarged” somewhat, but even if its just the one pet with a slight DPS loss, i’m okay with that for flavor reasons.

You do know they are removing the owl for marksman, right?

They’re killing the Sentinel Owl? Thank heavens, I’ll have Azerothian Fried Chicken.

There is already a topic made on the changes they’re proposing on the PTR discussion board. Not sure if you saw it yet.

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I’ve posted there :slight_smile:

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Just for marksman, I believe. There was a wowhead datamine article about it with an updated tooltip. Replaced the celestial owl with a celestial arrow.

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