Removing Deepwind Gorge and Keeping Seething Shore

I agree with Crprotector. The blind dog is REAL

I’ve seen the blind dog too.

The blind dog has licked my hand before.

Wheres above average?

I mean many people over exaggerate maps in the past, I never discredit Seething Shore match lengths, I just stated that not every Seething Shore map will last 45 minutes. Everything I have posted was in agreement with the problems of Seething Shore so I don’t understand how my posts will give the devs a reason to ignore feedback

I’m one of the main rbg leaders on Horde side as well as Alliance, it’s sad that I have to put together a comp I don’t ever run, or like to run just to have to “POSSIBLY” win seething shore and then lose others because of the comp I’m running, we win 2+ games in a row get to that map and lose then some of my team members leave, it breaks the rbg groups and community apart. Regardless of the amazing people I run with, regardless of our awareness, It’s hard to win when you have 2+ nodes randomly spawn. Let’s not forget the so called bug aka glitch or bots, where alliance can cast spells on the ship and still kill us without even being on land. I have other PvP related problems but I’ll save that for my upcoming thread I’ll be making, I’m hoping Blizzard you guys would actual take 5 mins out of you’re time to read what we are talking about and the problems we’re encountering, thanks - Elfda


I think the glitches, high impact of rng, and bugs should be addressed before being released. With comp related, thats how its been even before Seething Shore. For example, you could run a great comp for flag carrying maps, but it could be weak on node maps or small maps. That’s how it is in arena as well, but arena is designed for that purpose based off of tournaments, while rbgs does not. So you do make a fair argument regarding comp advantages to maps.

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Hi this is Deception Hero of the Horde, and I have got to say that seething shore is the worst map you’ve ever created, even ashran was better.


Yep good work blizzard remove the flag maps too plz

Seething shore is your best update to date, keep up the good work blizzard, nothing better than a 45 minute rock war

Dont ever remove seething shore it is the best map, make it so teams both have to 4 heal aswell


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This is a slap in the face to all the dhs.

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I agree 100% on this. When I run, I make sure that everyone is on the same page that if seething shore pops and it looks like it could be an hour long, that we will leave 5-10 min into the game. The map is buggy and the risk of tilt/people leaving on specifically seething shore is too high.

Your lucky its only 4 heal. I’ve seen 1500 teams run 4 heals and 2 tanks on it. Was the easiest decision to leave before the game even started.

It’s rare for rbg players to band together and agree on a topic
 show’s how bad of a move this really is

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  1. Blizzard has not officially stated they’ve removed Deepwind Gorge.

  2. RBG players don’t like seething shore because you have smaller group fights, and can’t rely on entire groups zerging. They’re used to having one target caller, and the rest be mindless drones. You can’t do that on seething shore, thus they don’t like it.

  3. Deepwing Gorge requires a DH FC, while Seething Shore does not. Thus, makes more sense to remove a map that requires a certain spec/class (DWG) than one that doesn’t (SS).

That said, I do agree that its hard to cap nodes that spawn far away from the initial jump. And yes, bugs can be fixed.

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They should just add a ONE blacklist option for random and rateds.
let everyone blacklist silvershard mines and be done with it.


I agree with most of what you’re saying, but Deep wind does not require a DH FC, every game I have played this season, both my team and the enemy team have yet to have a DH fc. In the past yes, a DH tank was required. Also, regardless the reason the RBG community is against the map, I think it should be the RBG community that gives feedback to the devs about RBGs.

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I think blizzard should make rbgs be only seething shore

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Posting here will do nothing.


Of course it is ideal to bash them, we have been EXTREMELY vocal about this and they don’t listen. NO one wants Seething Shore in the rbg mix. The devs did fix demon hunters so Deepwind isn’t awful anymore. They should at least give some explanation as to why they’re removing Deepwind and not Seething
 Deepwind is FINE Seething needs either an overhaul on how it works or just remove it. No one sees any real reason as to why Deepwind had to get removed.


Where did they even say it was going? During a q&a?