
Unlike the last hashtag movement on the Priest forums during Shadowlands beta, I think it’s a pretty unanimous sentiment that Searing Nightmare is a garbage ability and we do not want to spend another expansion with it.

So let’s see if this works a second time.


Give Shadow a way to do mass AoE in mythic+ that works with our kit instead of a two button rotation that roots you in place. Preferably something with Shadowy Apparitions.

Also bring back Thought Harvester.


Yes, please.

Look, the bottom line is that this playstyle is just not enjoyable in keys, especially if we’re looking at a baseline SFP in Dragonflight. I’d love to see something that plays off of our existing flavour and mechanics, or at least a more traditional insanity spender that does not rely on cast-while-channeling.

Im assuming you mean its current cast while casting format? Or all together for some different flavor of aoe, and curious if they reverted spirits to be proced off of swp would it be the same for you?

All I want is an engaging rotation in m+ that works with our kit. While removing cast-while-channeling requirement on Searing Nightmare would remove the annoyance factor, it would do nothing to improve the fun factor.

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tbf #removevoidform was damn near unanimous too. but ya searing nightmare has to go. everything else they did a pretty good job on. overall shadow is a lot better off than it was in BFA. having said that SN is just too clunky. its the one thing they really missed the mark on.


If mind sear had searing nightmare baked in without having to hit another button and it wasnt a spender would it change your view. ?

I would prefer a more dot based play style but was just curious

id be a bit happier with that personally. because we already have other things we have to manage. its not as if we would just be spamming mind sear in that situation. but its clear thats not the direction blizzard wants to go.

For reals! Mind Sear competes with Mind Flay and it drives me insane as to why they would talent lock you into a very boring skill/ability that is Searing Nightmare.

DoT based play style + A-spirits > SN spam


Signed. This is an awful way to play. Woo one button spam, and more talents to buff mind flay. Please no.


yeah I’ve never pushed searing nightmare as Disc Holy or Shadow…not sure why its there…

Its there… to provide shadow some on demand burst dps because on a 15 man pull by the time we dot everything up most of the trash is dead.

Sadly it was clunky and distasteful to use. A better way is needed


So what about this idea…

Make Damnation a Choice talent. Then add my dot spreader talent idea…

Searing Contagion

  • Damnation
    Instantly afflicts the target with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague. 45 sec cooldown.

OR (Choice)

  • Searing Contagion
    Your next Mind Sear will spread all your damage over time effects up to 8 targets. 60 second cooldown. Shadowy Apparitions reduce the cooldown by 1 second on hit.

So basically you apply whatever dots on the target, then activate Searing Contagion which will empower your next Mind Sear to spread all your damage over time effects to every target up to 8. Then to reduce the cooldown, your Shadowy Apparitions (if you pick talent) will reduce the cooldown by 1 second per Shadowy Apparition that hits / reaches it target.

Numbers can be tweaked, but what do you all think of this concept of an ability?

I think it fits in a choice talent with Damnation since they both will have a decent cooldown and both essentially applies all 3 dots. But one is instant and the other is channeled / instant and requires you to pre dot. Meaning you cant just go 0-100 instantly, you have to at least use 1 GCD (with Misery) to get SW:P and VT on the target before you can spread. Then you have to have the insanity to apply DP for that to spread. Meaning you might need to build up a little bit of insanity before you choose to start going all out.


This damn spell is the reason why I benched my Priest in Shadowlands.


This actually would make Mind Sear more of a priority for me, but it is a competitive channeling skill to Mind Flay.

Keep in mind, it will only spread the damage over time spells only once then the 60 sec cooldown starts. If your lucky with lots of Auspicious spirits rolling out and mobs left to hit, can get the cooldown short enough to be ready for next pull.

But I imagine you can use this empowered dot spreader version of Mind Sear once per AOE fight. At least that’s how imo it should be balanced around.

I also dislike Searing Nightmare and this spell is the main reason I am not enjoying m+ as much anymore.

Also wish that our dots can go back to playing a bigger role in aoe situations but yet avoid the situation of ramp.

I understand Blizz wants to keep dot dmg in check to prevent spread cleave dmg from getting out of hand, so maybe add a talent that increases dot dmg by X % when targets are within Y yards from each other and the more mobs there are, the harder they tick? Will this solve the problem of the dotting ramp?

Also can add another talent that improves our apparitions during mass aoe situations, explode on contact or something.

Or let Shadow Crash have an enhanced Mastery effect where it hits way way harder for each additional dot. This also incentivizes the need to cast dots and can help with ramp.

I just want to see more synergy with our core spells and not have talents that buff Mind Flay.

With the advent of how broken the cleave is for Devastation Evoker, I propose the following for spriest:

  1. Remove Searing Nightmare
  2. Replace with: release a cone hitting all enemies in a 30 yard cone with SWP and VT for 75% duration. 20 second CD.