— removed
Super busy in Discord last few weeks! Bring on Classic!
I have found the entire wow population to be hostile to anyone that is either new or a returning player, I dont think there is much point in playing anymore at all. You ask any kind of basic question you are met with sarcasm or hostile remarks, for E.g I just came back to wow the other day looking for a casual guild all I got was remarks about how I havent done mythic 20 plus in my 4 hours of being in the game. the entire user base isnt worth even trying to get to know any more its all pay to win kids with their dads credit cards telling you to “get good”
Holy necro batman, this was 4 years ago. The OCE Discord is a cesspool now.
Is there nothing now for Disc OCE ?
Super hard to find guilds especially in SoD
Find it kind of weird that there’s no SoD Oceanic Discord O_o
Classic, even SoM had something going on…
there is something here:
not many people in it so sorta dead, need to spread the word
Hey do you have an updated link for the discord? Can’t find any that still work
I believe it is well and truly dead!