Remove world buffs in raid

No one said it was hard, that is not the argument that is being discussed

You dont need wbuffs to parse,

You need fast kill times. You can get 99’s on all classes without wbuffs. just speed up your kills and use the correct comp/debuffs.

Ah yes, another one who hates world buffs because they don’t like the ‘culture’ around it.

Find a raid that doesn’t care about world buffs. It’s really not that hard. Don’t be trying to take away our fun because you don’t like it. There’s different options on how to play this game, not just your way.

nah, everyone says BeInG OP iS fUn so enjoy the paper mache raid bosses :expressionless:

Imagine getting dmf every other week because you are bad at pvp

lol never happening when they add a new one every phase lol… buffs are fun

This was a post i did back on Feb about this

Was thinking about how World Buffs operate and how their interactions have changed due to Chronoboon but one of the bigger issues that happen even with that is if you die you just lose all of them. On one hand it is understandable given the nature of how they were originally and how they were intended to be beforehand, but on the other given now and the implementation of the Chronoboon its obvious the interactions and behavior this was causing had to be curbed.

Ive seen teams over the iterations lose their crap over worldbuffs and understandably so and it really sucks when you lose them and how people do react about it and over all just how it keeps promoting: we drop this at this time, and we schedule them for these reasons. Not really fun, just more unnecessary micro managing.

So a few solutions to this
-When dropped anyone can interact with a certain object or just by going near said thing it will auto give them the buff
-Buffs last longer.
-Buffs no longer consumed upon death
-Those who turned in the said item can then retalk to the person they turned it into in order to regain the buff themselves.
-Buffs are removed upon entering Battlegrounds.

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the Chronoboom Displacer was a stellar addition to the game for the purposes of collecting World Buffs for raiding.

Nah, I like them how they are now. The “current” world buff is the only relevant one, while the previous tier’s world buff is good for leveling up to the current level cap. One world buff is a nice boost but not necessary, and doesn’t necessitate running around the entire world for 3 hours before raid stacking everything just to trivialize the content


Kind of silly to run around the world collecting world buffs and unchronoing, then chronoing again…all to do it over again next raid. It’s dull, grindy content no one really want’s to do.

Consumables do a good enough job and can be applied on demand. Stock up on Monday for the full week and your set.

it’s 2024 and people are still crying about world buffs lmao

Literally just don’t get them. Nobody is forcing you. They’re not required in the slightest.

You’re essentially crying that you want to parse but don’t want to put in the effort


a lot of people’s whole motivation to play on PvP servers is to kill someone with world buffs on :expressionless: just fyi

I somewhat agree but real “effort” should be spent learning your class rotation, getting pre-BiS and BiS gear, researching optimal talents, etc… Flying to the darkmoon fair to click a couple buttons and increase your damage by 10% is not really the same “effort”

Casuals. Don’t worry though the fun server XP rates are sure to attract a great crowd like SoM did. Oh…

Then don’t do it. It’s really that easy.

And you made my point for me, thanks.

Remove yourself from clássic. Problem solved.