Remove WoG from Holy Paladin

I can agree with this.

Low-stress moments should be what instant cast heals are for–not for an uninterruptable stream of healing in emergency situations.


i said it before but imma say it again


would be significantly more fun to play if eternal flame existed and infusion was reverted

I suppose it just seems to be something not well thought out on even the most basic level.

ya i mean alternatively eternal flame was a hot you applied with holy power
that seems like a lot less toxic than a giant instant heal

idk the infusion change they made for no reason that made holy light bigger or flash faster instead of the reverse really made the spec clunky and forced to rely on wog

Instant class healing shouldn’t be what a healer should be doing most of the time, but it should definitely be used for those moments when you don’t want to be interrupted. If thats not the case then why even have anything be instant.

Also the spell already uses a resource HP. Rather than reinvent the wheel just make the cost more prohibitive by making it cost 4 or 5 HP. That should slow wog frequency by 25% and 66% respectively, if I am not cooked on math.

I want Sacred Shield back.

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I imagine I probably have a bigger issue with WoG than someone like a RSham since in HPal matches I have to somehow drink 4-5 times while both enemies have 100% uptime on my partner. Not only that but the enemy healer in encouraged to DPS and not punished for DPS output over healing.

(I don’t play Disc)

So that is a definite frustration when we end up losing due to resource consumption yet the HPal is comfortably sitting at 30k+ mana still having produced more healing output.

Then game ends and 30%+ of the healing was produced by WoG.

Ultimately I think alot of good alternative solutions were mentioned here.

Like everything else that is questionable we won’t see any changes any time soon I guess.

interview today

little blip at the end reconfirming they’re going to try to make cove/legendary changes on large patches not minor hotfixes

if they remove holy power they need to give us bfa infusion of light back :smiley: fair trade

I am ok with that. I don’t want HPal unplayable. I just want them spending mana like other healers.

Fix RSham mana regeneration too or they will be the next to dominate.

Sorry… what?

Word of Glory is probably least problematic for Holy than Ret or Prot where I could actually get on board with nerfs. Holy does not get a healing increase the lower hp their target is, like those other two specs, so Word of Glory is honestly fine for them. Everything that gives holy power for them costs mana, and there is no ability in game (for hpal anyway) that generates HP without some cost behind it - therefor holy power is NOT infinite for them.

Not only that, the majority of their holy power is reduced if you just get away from their melee (Crusader Strike), and since hpals have to line often to avoid cc, this is very easy.

Why are we even trying to nerf Hpal? It’s a good spec, but is equal to resto shaman of which both are below Disc Priest and is no where near their bfa power level. It’s fine.

Sound like your opinion. I don’t think it is backed by anything though.

What aspect of my post?

If you’re talking about the healer distribution, WoW PvP Rankings have Disc Priest as the most populous healer at or above 1700 rating, and the single highest rated healer in 3v3 Arena Ladder on BOTH EU and NA ladders. Holy Paladin and Shaman alternate a bit based on region, it seems NA favors Paladins more.

Only in 2v2 ladder does Holy Paladin overtake Disc Priest (and not by a huge margin, either), which makes sense due to their strength with just one partner and beacons mechanics.

As for the rest of the post, your described changes to Word of Glory are both unnecessary and make no sense in the realm of how a Holy Paladin works, if you’d like ot increase the mana cost of the HP generators, that’s how you nerf paladins, not Word of Glory; although again, considering they are in a very healthy state, neither makes any point.

I think how they’ll nerf hpal is they might take away certain talents or abilities. The PvP talents are supposed to be tuning knobs

Ok, well as Disc Priest assuming that’s what you play. You probably have somewhat of a skewed understanding. Disc Priest mana efficiency is not bad and considering the damage output you are probably more effective at draining a HPals mana pool than the rest of us.

Siting the leaderboards has very little to do with mana efficiency. Consider that most Disc Priest players play comps like RMP that games are ended by set-up and usually fairly early or they lose.

If you were to actually look into below the surface heals from HPriest, MW and RDruid don’t have the equivalent mana cost/healing output of generating 2 HP.

So I think your understanding of the problem is maybe a bit off.

Realistically, their talents aren’t very good and all very niche. Most of the affect Holy Light, which is incredibly outdated as they cast that about once every 25 seconds instead of every infusion proc like bfa.

Most of their power comes from Bubble, which I doubt will get a nerf, because it enables them to be safe from the insane burst meta. The other points of contention would be the Kyrian covenant as a whole for them, which is largely overpowered and their legendary (Shock Barrier specifically) which is basically a 3v3-wide shield with how often Holy Shock is available to them.

Both of the above things are also their BiS for PvE too, so if there are nerfs to them hopefully there are buffs other places.

they need to reduce WOG healing by like 25% and then return infusion of light back to its old form so they are casting more.

Not sure where you’re coming from, I never said Disc Mana is bad, merely that they are the best/most represented healer at this time. First you wanted WoG removed like in the OP or you also said a mana cost on it would be fine, both of which simply cannot happen with the current design of paladin.

You could revert Infusion of Light changes, but Blizzard would never because they’d be admitting they were wrong to do it in the first place.

The specs you mentioned I agree their healing output per mana is very low, but I’d say buff them instead of nerfing Paladin, and if a nerf went to hpal before disc/rsham I’d be flabbergasted honestly.

Interesting that my point went over your head. Regardless this is why we are all allowed our opinions.