Remove vote to kick from group finder

the game is just too toxic and people are way too quick to vote to kick someone. i got stuck in a part of dungeon i couldnt move well my group while they were in combat i couldn’t teleport my self out of the dungeon to get unstuck and WHILE they were in combat they voted to kick me when i clearly typed in instanced chat that i was stuck and couldnt move. AND or holy crap reduce the amount of time ur locked out of queuing. look at random battlegrounds if u leave that its only a 15min lock out from queue compared to dungeon queues its 30mins u have to wait because people are so impatient nowadays.

“Hey random 4-24 strangers (depending on what you’re doing) my time is the most important over all yours combined I’m inconveniencing you and will get mad if you don’t waste your time while I fix a singular issue on me and slow down the lfg chocho express train and contribute nothing in the meantime k thx” is that the jist of what your expecting them to do?


I haven’t been vote kicked for over 5 years. Maybe you’re doing something wrong.


they will love to carry me.
they will learn to love to carry me.

i did nothing wrong. i got stuck on apart of terrain and literally couldnt move. i told them im stuck and while they were in combat i was trying to teleport out of the dungeon and couldnt because the rest were all in combat. then just kicked me from the dungeon. i wanted to do a dungeon then i couldnt because people can’t chill anymore then get hit with a 30min dungeon queue cd. for m+ and raids i understand having vote to kick. but if its for the dungeon finder then it shouldnt be a thing. if someone is doing something thats messing up with the rest of the party then they should just add a griefing cat. to there reporting system.

Erm… actually… you can just click the eye and press “leave dungeon” then press “enter dungeon” :nerd_face:

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You might have missed this part:

as well as this in a response

Now if it was trash, that should not block the teleport, but a boss fight would