Remove "Undead Only" from Naxx Tier Set Bonuses

Most if not all the Naxx Tier 6-set bonuses that have been datamined and seem to only apply their bonuses to “Undead Only”

Please remove the “Undead Only” part so we’re able to fully utilize these tier sets OUTSIDE of Naxx/Strath/Scholo/Kara Crypts… From what i’m seeing it may not even be usable for the Scarlet Raid since most Scarlet Cruade members are “humaniods” not “undead” not to mention if there is going to be more phases/raids moving forward I doubt they will all be “undead only” which really badly pigeon-holes this set into being used for VERY specific content.

There’s still a benefit to using PvP sets over Tier since Raid gear usually doesn’t have NEARLY as much stamina as PvE pieces which still is true for the upcoming raid sets.

It’s redundant with the “sanctified” pieces that function with the new Naxx Trinket since these can also ONLY benefit from the stat increase while in Naxx and while using this specific gear, it will not even benefit you in any other undead related content.

What’s the point of segregating end-game content gear to only being used for a single use-case??? It’s not like the gear is at all “easy” to get considering entrance to Naxx not only requires an attunement but also requires the player to gather crafting mats for each of the gear pieces they want to make. There is a fair and lengthy amount of work that goes into earning this gear, why make it practically useless outside of the “undead” requirements.

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with the sanctified cap being dropped the 6 pc set bonuses are largely sub optimal anyway. also crafting the pieces is super easy i already have enough mats for 2 full sets. you should have planned ahead. even from scratch it only takes about a week or twos worth of cooldowns if you leveled the appropriate alts. the hardest part will be winning the drops.

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Yeah this is easy to do if you have a toon that has been playing SoD for the last couple phases. But people will still complain that things are too easy for new players to get which THIS will require a decent bit of planning ahead and saving up for the mats for a new player.

Secondly, They changed the requirements for ALL the AQ40 gear so there is no reason to believe they won’t also change the requirements for the NAXX set as well. Maybe it won’t cost more, maybe it will. You also need mats FROM NAXX which will likely be distributed among your other guildmates as well if your guild functions fairly. If you’re pugging it… god help you.

To be fair the 6 piece is kind of a bonus, that’s how I see it considering we’re getting a free shoulder enchant allowing us to pick ANY tier option we could possibly want, giving us 3 set bonuses that way. I think most people are forgetting about that lol. Would I prefer the 6 piece to be on more than just undead, sure. Am I going to be sad or upset it’s undead only, nah.

Also jumping to conclusions about what the scarlet raid will / will not have when it’s not even remotely close to coming out and nothing relevant is datamined is wild. For all we know the scarlet raid could be dominated by the lich king and all the scarlet in there are undead or something :person_shrugging:

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