Remove "undead only" from Naxx Set Bonuses

Most of the Naxx 6 set bonuses have effects that work on undead only. Please DON’T do this! This is end-game content why lock the items to only being used in this ONE raid and like 2-3 end-game dungeons max. Even the Scarlet Enclave is likely to have HUMANOID enemies NOT undead so are we to expect that those set bonuses are just useless in ANY other case other than Naxx, Strath, Scholo, and maybe Kara Crypts???

PLEASE for gods sake, change the set bonuses to be able to be used on anything. This goes for EVERY class that has this stupid flavor text.


Keep set bonuses out of pvp blizz, please and thank you


It won’t effect a lv 10. No one at you level will have naxx gear. You’re welcome.

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Take away most of the stamina and people will still use PvP gear over this because it doesn’t help them survive.

You’re an actual troll, i see your posts and they’re all troll posts.

Pretty sure Scarlet Enclave will have a bunch of demons lol

Yeah make PvP slow and boaring again plz. I don’t wanna get hardstuck 1200 rating in SOD arena because of set bonuses nooooooo.

This is the last raid though. Where else are you planning to use the gear? Gonna go get server first Onyxia or something?

I can say the same about you.

Disprove that a lvl 10 doesn’t have to worry about naxx gear. On you.

The sets all specifically say undead not demon…

This isnt the last raid… theres a scarlet raid after this.

They need to redo the 6pc set bonuses to remove the undead-only. They should redo them in any case because these are the laziest designed bonuses ever.

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Clueless. There’s an entire raid tier after this in phase 8 already announced with possibly more content beyond.

They need to remove all of the naxx only stuff and just give normal tier with normal bonuses. Make GOOD items so folks want them.

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I don’t see the big deal. You can basically steamroll through old content and the 10 man’s with everyone in MC gear.

It’s not like you need the premium 6 piece naxx set to PUSH dire maul west just a little bit more faster.

You already steamroll lvl 45s in worldpvp in 2.5. Did you really need that 6 piece bonus boomkin dreamscythe tier to do 15k starsurge on that rogue wearing a 1940s football helmet?

The raid logging culture is very apparent. And these “restrictive” bonuses kind of keep raiders in check .

Either way, im just gonna assume a mage in 6 piece naxx with atiesh is still gonna take 5 minutes to get to full mana after fighting kirtonos in scholomance. While the rest of the party has killed rattlegore and are about to pull ras frostwhisper.