Remove twinks from lowbie BGs

First game I had an alt was my team 8/10 sub 29 vs 5 twinks.

We got stomped. I complained. But still had fun.

Yeah, you are in a different bg bracket if you turn off exp. Just don’t turn off exp…

Edit: all i remember back in vanilla woltk was the exp off bracket being completely dead (at least for my battlegroup).


If they separate them twinks will never be able to BG again like what happened in retail, without planning with other players when to queue. Maybe with heirloom gear other players can compete with twinks

No your not. Xp on or off doesn’t matter.

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no you aren’t they changed changed that.

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Here’s the Blue Post for those of you who are not in-the-loop on the matter:


their entire justification for re-combining the queues is lack of participation causing long queue times. Queues are basically instant rn because of there being tens of thousands of people leveling new characters. So the justification doesn’t make sense.


Yep, the idea that this will save low level BGs for both groups is way off IMO.

It was atrocious in retail, and we fought tooth and nail to get them removed there. Once they did, BGs were actually enjoyable again while levelling.

Signed: someone who will never queue for low level BGs while levelling as long as XPoff players are there.


Get better gear, its not hard, also pvp is gonna be way diff than fighting an npc. You gatta dig into the toolkit for those obscure talents and know how all classes function to adapt to the imbalances of pvp.

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HAHAHAHA. I guess twinks wont get killed off now. Sweet.

The reason people don’t do it is because when you’re in Outland you’re not going to go back and forth to a city to queue, being able to queue anywhere absolutely increases the participation hugely

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there is a reason people turn off XP so they can actually get WAY better gear.

Gear is exactly the reason the games will be horrible for levellers


Being able to queue into twinked out XP locked characters will be the reason no one does them.

Having instant queue and putting XP off and XP on characters in a BG are two separate things.

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Don’t worry heirlooms will be in wotlk and will make twink gear pointless.

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What else is there in wow, everything about the game is gearquesting, skill progression takes a backseat to gear progression.

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It already has.

Aside from the first few months of Classic, I’ve done 0 BGs that weren’t at max level.

Since the change I have done several WSGs and ABs while leveling on my alt.

those queues would absolutely pop even if they didn’t #somechanges twinks back into lowbie BGs.

It’s not about gear progression, i’m perfectly ok with some 29 warrior with a corpsemaker blowing up a level 26 druid. But BGs give experience so he should only be able to do that for a while before leveling to 30.

Freezing XP and getting enchants and BiS gear is not natural progression, its deliberately UNNATURAL progression which is why it requires xp freeze npcs and blizzard to change how wrath actually worked


wait until they fill with twinks…

Glad you are enjoying them, I might give it a try in Classic, but I have gone through this enough on retail to know that is is a horrible experience.


exactly, which is why this will be bad for levellers in BGs


The only group that would suffer from separate queues, is the XP off crowd who (mostly) don’t bother when they have to fight other twinks.

XPon only games would have been fine I am sure.