Remove twinks from leveling brackets

I just looked this up. You may be correct. If they are, then OP … maybe resort to opening a ticket, or reporting them. It’s definitely an exploit, based upon the method I’m reading. The only part which doesn’t make sense is how they’re doing it as a group. Seems to me it’d only work solo.

If there is an exploit, kind of a weird hill to die on.

Saw your bug post OP. Don’t just report it on the forums, do it with the ingame bug report feature as well.

According to a quick google search, someone provided a fairly easy/detailed way to circumvent the system. I’m obviously not going to provide a link, but it was posted March 19, shortly after Blizz implemented the separation of the twinks and levelers.

Bunch of punks lol.

OP, you may have found yourself an exploit my man.

Thanks for reminding me to update my F2P twink and enjoy something while FFXIV is going through their 24-hour maintenance.

Just another player who proved my point. Even if there are no twinks people still complain. Separating twinks into an seperate bracket just increased the Q times for everyone.

People are still too ridiculous to realize they need to gear their characters regardless of whether there’s twinks in the game or not. :roll_eyes:

Also I pointed out that people complain about twinks when there aren’t even twinks in the game, proven here.