Remove Twinking

I don’t see any numbers published, but enjoy the lack of response going forward. :3

I will point out to you, Blizzard previously stated Boosts are not in keeping with the classic experience. Wouldn’t you know it, boosts are for sale~

Tell me, do you queue into 10-19 right away at level 10 in grays or half empty slots?
Don’t blame the people who put the effort in.


Hmm? People don’t blame premades, which is what you make if you want to critique people’s gear not being good enough.

Personally doesn’t bother me. It helps the queue times. You can counter this by just coming in with some decent gear.

I remember following this 39 warlock around as he just solo’d everything. I knew who my heals were going to :laughing:

OP is the one complaining about not being able to survive BGs which naturally means…their gear is not good enough.

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Or it means twinks are being their usual plague on leveling bgs. :3 They COULD make it so anyone with certain stats or gear in their inventory or on them get thrown into a twink queue and put everyone else into the normal leveling queue, though.

The intention is for Twinks to have their own queue(Or be banned for exploiting) yes.

Realistically, more people would queue leveling BGs if there were not twinks there to ruin their queues. <3

I can tell you the first game I saw twinks, I stopped queueing.


Working as intended.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Realistically there is not enough participation for two separate brackets.
They did post their reasoning on this.

Since WOTLK launch my lowbie queues take forever and are full of bots.

Twinks are fine, some people just cry too much for their own good.

From start to finish this game is all about character progression, if someone put alot more time and effort into that then they’re probably going to win in a fight.

It’s how it is at 39,60 and 80 I don’t go into BGs at 80 undergeared and expect to keep up with gladiator geared players.

It’s really that simple, effort and time = Reward.

And sadly, Wotlk population is all about eating up new content as fast as possible (for the most part) so there’s relatively few people in lower lvl BGs right now, this isn’t 2008 where we have tons of full servers and new people jumping into the game in the thousands, there’s just not enough people in lower lvl queues to support separate brackets this time around.

Heck even at 60 in my AVs there’s a handful at most of twinks and like 10 bots on each side, literal bots that exist to soak up honor. They’re even able to spin while stunned so you can’t backstab them. There’s truly not many people out there.


Some players have such an axe to grind with twinks. To the point they can’t be reason with at all and I take joy in the knowledge they will be here all expansion complaining about it. It’s going to nag them like an itch they can’t scratch.

They selfishly want twinks to disappear. They don’t care that there is so few players to fill bgs let alone a separate queue just for twinks. Wrath had 10 million subs, we in classic have maybe 1 million?? Now that they can get xp from these games they didn’t care about in vanilla and tbc, twinks need to be removed, die. Whatever concerns they have for “other players” or thier “friends” queuing bgs it’s all a fabrication - they hate twinks. Let the hate flow through them

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yea i just dont think twinking is a big deal and doesn’t really effect me much even when I do bgs so I don’t really care much, for or against.

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Uno reverse, but twinks whining about players with ‘bad gear’ on their team or queueing at lower levels for brackets. Twinks just don’t want to get stuck fighting each other and only want to fight people they outgear on the enemy team, that simple. It’s why twink queues both in retail and here would be super slow or never pop. Which is telling. If ‘twinks’ were the one driving queues, then they would have queue pops either way, no? :3

Leveling queues would be fine, if they made sure twinks didn’t exploit like they do in retail to get into xp-on queues.


There are twinks on both sides as I have been leveling, and the only bracket I actively SKIP is the 19 Bracket because almost everyone but Hunter seems to be totally trash south of level 25 when compared to them.

TLDR, once you’re about level 27+ the PVP experience leveling wise is 100X better, and I cant even fathom why people like the 19 bracket, its totally trash in every imaginable way.

As for the “twinks” of the 29+ brackets, they don’t bother me at all; they’re on both sides and they’re actually almost always the ones trying to… wait for it… WIN…

If you’re smart you will aid those geared little devils and win the damn game, like I do rather than complaining about them.

Moreover, the “Geared” players south of level cap are comparably weaker than a Max geared player at Level cap VS a fresh Level cap character… And that gear gap at level cap only gets bigger and bigger as time goes on.

Using YOUR logic we should then ban geared players from PVP at Level cap.


i like twinks, masculine dudes are super overrated

I can fit into tight jeans but I don’t have frosted tips in my hair I’m doing like the cross fit of twinking. :thinking:


I’m so sorry your leveling 19 BG experience was ruined. Are you gonna be ok?


I can’t wait to equipment my [Staff of Jordan] and [Underworld Band] when I graduate to Level 39.

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This post was made prior to being able to que from anywhere.

Friendly reminder that characters with xp turned off need to be placed in their own pvp que.


You think blizz didn’t plan for this change? It was some spur of the moment decision? lol

Also you can queue from anywhere in retail and leveling BG’s there are dead. Except for 10-19 which is filled with ‘throw away’ twinks (fully enchanted heirloom twinks that are deleted at lvl 20) and 51-59 due to boosted characters. Every other bracket is dead outside of maybe 1-2 hrs during prime time.