Remove titans grip penalty

remove titans grip penalty to keep fury inline with other melee.


You realize your achievement points are the same for all five of your sock puppet threads you just slammed, right?

I’m sure I may have missed one.


This. Also remove the stance requirement on Rend, and Overpower.

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I don’t understand enough about warriors to advocate for what is a fair buff for them but my feelscraft tells me that just straight up removing the damage penalty from titansgrip is more of a buff than they should recieve.

Maybe start by halving it and then go from there if there isn’t an easier/more QOL buff that they can be given. They’re certainly one of the harder classes to give proper buffs to as they start to come more online in these next phases.


Well let’s follow ret paladin logic then, if it’s too much of a buff come ICC just revert it.

There’s no excuse for our dps being this poor when we bring little to no utility.

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Bnet forums need to introduce btag on forums.
and we will quickly discover that one warrior is solely responsible for 90% of comments.


Are you accusing me of something?

Accusing? What is this law & order?
Nah mate. Just my observation & conclusion.

Devs have said it previously (blue post) that they can see who abuses the feature and it’s against ToS.


Lol Ok buddy…

Well you’re wrong.

They’d have knocked me off the forum by now if they really thought that’s what I’m doing. So I’ll say this: Keep your accusations to yourself unless you have proof.

I imagine Blizzard have their hands full realising that the warrior complaints are actually from many different players.

You seem awfully defensive about it.
Sudden surge of 0 post alts. Even reddit doesn’t really discuss this as much. But here, oh man, 2 dozen different people suddenly decided to show up. All asking for TG penalty removed…

If they remove, good for you. Only makes my raid team stronger. They can easily divide PvP & PvE changes as the do on retail (as both games are on the same core using same code). Im not against it. I just think it’s not necessary.

Nonetheless, I’m allowed to speculate & Share such speculations.

You’ll get the penalty removed with the Cata pre-patch. And not a minute sooner.

Ok so you don’t have proof. I also already knew you didn’t because I don’t have alts that I use to post with.

People can be rightfully defensive about false accusations.

it is 10% more damage, + a tiny amount for a few more age here and there

Ferals were the same DPS but had way more utility like brez and innervate + the same buffs overlapped and they just got a 12% buff at the top end and a 30% buff at the mid end. Theyre right behind Assassination rogues as the #2 dps when you remove gimmicks like hodir. LMAO

pretty sure 10% off TG is very much in line with prior changes they have made and very much needed to not make warriors obsolete and have ferals push them out

Saving to kek a mighty kek when blizz changes or removes the penalty

Proof? Are you inspector gadget?
lmao, Google the definition of “speculation”

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

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It would essentially make them the strongest single target AND cleave DPS option in ICC before Shadowmourne…

It’s a terrible, terrible idea.


uDKs were broken. So Blizz brought them down to Affic/Assa level. All 3 are practically identical.

If Warriors can find a spot on the same level, so be it. Nothing wrong with that. I just laugh at hypocrisy, as just last weeks, Ferals were a a little lower than trio S-tier, and warriors lost the :poop: (and paladins haven’t said a word being the lowest tier lmao)

Well I hate to think that the only lexicographical knowledge you have is through children’s cartoons but here we are.

You gotta stop projecting.