Remove the timer on keys under 5

Also getting groups for m0 right now bleh

I used to help people a lot more, but I tend to get attitude more often than not now.
Like talent recommendations, spell priorities…
Heck little things like “hey just letting you know you only have 1 weapon equipped!” (They were a fury war).
Some people are grateful. Like that war was super thankful and was like “oh jeez Im an idiot… thank you so much lol”.

Others bite your head off and claim they know what they are doing even though they are a bm hunter with 2 multi shot usages in a 2 minute long fight. Or a ret never touching divine storm on trash… or a boomy calling for more traps when they aren’t even attempting to root.

Like please… help me help you :joy:

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Pretty much. When people have poor attitudes I wont waste my time.

Like even on the warlock forums theres a 30 parsing warlock at 621 ivl thats pretending he knows whats wrong with affliction (lol MR) and doesnt understand why MR exists.

These are the same people asking for Mplus ques lol

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You tell me. It sounds like you’re the one who has a delusional perspective on why and how those other people are playing the game wrong. Does it really hurt your feefees so badly that they don’t respect you for hating them?

Where exactly am I hating on them? I stated a fact that Blizzard has the entry level content right there.

I guess pointing out the obvious means hating on people that want the bar lowered constantly? Who knows with people like you nowadays.

Except that the system isn’t this disconnected. The changes happening to +5s (and below) will have an impact on +6s (and above). Players that are doing 5s today will be doing 6s tomorrow, impacting the runs of those who are in those levels. People who make these kinds of suggestions do not seem to realize just how impactful the presence of a timer is to basically every aspect of running a key. Selecting an arbitrary level where the entire system changes is going to create all kinds of problems for both the players who want to transition past that arbitrary level and the players on the other side of that arbitrary level.

M+ without a timer is a completely different game mode. You’re already advocating for a different game mode below a certain M+ level; a far better solution would be to advocate for a different game mode entirely that has this gameplay experience you want.



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Delves are an alternative for sure, but I don’t really think they scratch the same itch. Dungeons are so much more mechanically demanding relative to delves that I can see how players might truly want scaling dungeons without the timer instead.

People asking for freebies/changes at the lower levels are not the people youre referring to.

I suppose they could add a separate mode without any gear rewards that lets you progress in a snails pace, but if they’re keeping gear rewards they’d have to tune it much harder. Maybe make a +2 equal a +5 without the timer and a +10 equal a +13. Can’t wait for the outcry as people run out of lives 3 hours into their dungeons though.

Without a doubt, but I’m certain there are people who truly aren’t looking for handouts that would enjoy dungeons how they scale today but without the timer, even if certain mechanics/enemies were retuned and/or rewards were moved up the scale to compensate for the easier difficulty.

100%. Nowhere in my suggestion do I intend for the same levels of reward to exist at the same scaling levels without a timer. An untimed (and likely affixless) dungeon that has X% scaling would have to carry fewer rewards than a dungeon with a timer and affixes at that same X% due to the major difference in difficulty (even if a death counter were added). And while I’m certain many people who make these suggestions are expecting the same rewards without the timer, I would bet money there are also many who would simply prefer 5-man raids even with significantly more demanding mechanical challenges.

Completion runs.

With getting rewards on failed timed runs, you’ll still move up with gear and beat timers without trying.

Rinse and repeat until you hit your ceiling

This just isn’t the same though, and you know it. Yes players will see progress in key level as they get gear, but their ceiling will be lower than the team that focuses on strategies that maximize beating the timer. The skills tested by a timed dungeon are not the same as the skills tested by an untimed dungeon; M+ only caters to players who want the former. I suspect there is room in the game for a mode that caters to players who want the latter.

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What skills are needed to CC 3 out of 4 mobs and pull 1 mob at a time?

Untimed scaling dungeons are delves where you can engage in as much or as little as you want

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Blizz has being adding megadungeons, and specifically hardmodes to mega dungeons, but they don’t ever seem that popular as a stand-alone thing. Only when they get added to the mythic+ pool.

The moment they toss the timer is the moment I reconsider tanking them again.

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At the same scaling and balance, just whatever it takes to kill that 1 mob. With higher scaling and/or different balance to account for the ability for team to pull slower, just getting through the pull can require more mechanical execution. Without a timer gating progression, teams will reach higher scaling before they hit their wall. Most trash may not result in many problems, but bosses would easily scale to the point of being significant challenges to overcome.

And that’s if Blizzard took the simplest route of keeping the same exact structure for the dungeon encounters. Blizzard could very easily rebalance enemies and possibly add things like CC-immunity to enemies to account for the lack of a timer to prevent trash from becoming drastically outpaced by bosses.

No amount of repeating this statement will make it true. The ara-kara minibosses before the first boss have more mechanics than entire delves including the boss. There is no way for a design that’s intended to be soloable to be as engaging for a 5-player team with a specific role breakdown as a design that targets 5-players with that specific role breakdown. Blizzard could design delves to add mechanics to scale with player count such that a 5-player delve is basically an untimed dungeon; but today, it’s just simply not.

Because they have no progression until they’re added to M+. Week over week as you get more powerful the mega dungeons become less and less of a challenge because they maintain their static difficulty. You can’t reach a point where you’ve mastered the dungeon on level X and then go back on level X + 1.

This is the reason I don’t accept the answer about normal, heroic, and M0 being the place for players who don’t like the timer to play. Once you’ve surpassed the highest of those difficulties, there’s little point to going back. The same thing happens with the mega dungeons before they’re added to M+.

So about 4% of a normal m+ at the same scaling and balance?..doesnt really sound like its a reasonable request.

Dodge a frontal and interrupt the interruptable. Sounds like everyone delve boss out there

But this is what people want. They want the best gear at the lowest range possible so there is no more difficulty to the dungeons.

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