Removed the dodge from Veil of Midnight PvP talent finally did 1 thing right blizz gj

title says it all pretty much, remove the dodge its overkill and no one likes it but rogues and their partners.
keep up the good work blizz this changehas given me a sliver of hope that you may actually be able to pull off developing this game properly.


lol we learned something today here on the pvp forums, good ideas get no comments. who would of thunk.

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good comms

yea I learned this a few weeks ago when I started posting. there’s a bunch of “I’m always right because I’m X rating” :clown_face:s who think they can design a game, balance it, and discredit every BETTER idea because Check-PvP says so. safe to just ignore them, be succinct & concise in your feedback and move on. I unironically don’t even know why I still post here. it’s a waste of time to keep reading the same lunch room clique echo chamber posts. all in all, you are not alone, my friend.

This makes you look so soft btw in every thread.

The hidden profile, whining about exp flexing that hardly happens but also prefacing a lot of your posts about your position on the ladder at the same time.

Then don’t. You derail a lot of threads making sure everyone knows how butthurt you are


Exp flexing only happens when someone with 5000 games at 1600 opens that can of worms

I have every seasonal prestige the game has to offer right now. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else nor am I here to persuade you, however, you are the problem. plain & simple. a few other of your cronies are as well. did you ever stop & think why Blizzard doesn’t address people like you & everyone else? look inward first, my friend.

you people are egotistical, prideful, passive aggressive, and toxic. there is no room to argue so save your reply. I’ve watched it happen in 5 weeks now. it’s so sad to see what the PvP community has become because of people like you.

you are a part of an ego fest & I am not. I will eventually expire from here & you will carry on with your super intelligent design decisions & suggestions. I’m sure your profile activity is littered with new player assistance!

Ta ta for now, my marauder of the mousepad!

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The passive that reduces evasion cd got nerfed, that isn’t a damage change no?

If it smells like crap wherever you step, check under your own shoe man.

Dunno if the sanctimonious act is a meme or whatever but it’s tired


lol the minor damage changes thing is just about the latest of all the tuning. They do minor damage changes and act like its tuning and do nothing else lol

Most of the changes that happened in that patch weren’t “minor damage changes”? A lot of them were defensive changes for a number of classes? Dh has 2% less health and takes 3% more damage, rogue evasion cdr got nerfed, boomy and feral got frenzied regen buffs, arcane got prismatic barrier nerfs, enh got healing buffs and warlock got soulburn port nerfs. None of these are damage changes.

#doubt but especially funny reading this when a few sentences later you write



I dont know who the Rog dev is but I want that dude to switch over to WW

I’d recommend against engaging.
Also, by definition changes that adjust numeric values are ALL tuning XD

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You know classes’ defensives are overtuned when you routinely see rogues and dhs popping evasion/cloak/blur as their first global each game, and being able to still win.


what version of gameshark let you get enchant tabard and mount at 1800 in 2s

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sad we are less op but it had to be done my rogs, we are once mortal again


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Rogue dev hasn’t done almost anything for rogues nearly all expansion, and the class is full of bugs and listens to zero feedback, especially regarding the Hero talents or what talents we want changed, added or fixed.

You can have him lol

Joke of a skill, Rogue was already top tier and they removed the one counter warriors had since classic.

I guess we can still slap them for Overpower for 70k damage :person_shrugging:

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