I think he actually gets that classes got more balanced with each successive expansion. He alluded to it. He’s just confused over the terminology.
Yeah I agree with that sentiment. “Useless”, like “viable” is subject to individual interpretation. Viable doesn’t have to mean as good as a pure spec and useless doesn’t have to mean you can never, ever bring a boomie to your raid.
I get it. I agree with him insofar as class balance in vanilla is fine and doesn’t need rectifying.
Mages and rogues are the two purebred ranged/melee dps classes in Classic. All the others have either pets, healing, and/or tanking as side-hustles. Mages/Rogues only have that single, respective role. It is proper application of the Hybrid Tax that they are the top performers at their one job.
Classic’s Warriors are inordinantly overtuned since their default tanking role is supplimented with a melee dps role that is superior to Rogue performance. Classic Warriors are subverting the Hybrid Tax and, hence, their flawed, imperfect viability.
This isnt the only flaw within Classic’s Hybrid Taxing, but it is the most egregious. Druids landed in an okay spot for having nearly every role available to it. The melee/caster dps roles are lackluster but their healing and tanking capabilities are fine, all things considered.
I think we can all recognise that the hybrid tax was poor design which is why they got rid of it. I would LOVE to see a classic where it was done away with altogether. TBC was instantly more fun just because you had significantly better class design.
To me its more true to the RPG genre. You have your main characters and your support characters. All you can do after that is homogenize the crap out of everything and even then you still have people bringing whoever is .12% better on a theorycraft spreadsheet. So let people bring 20 warriors to their raids so the rest of us can have fun.
In past discussions on this Ive said that classes/specs are balanced around pure specs, not so pure specs and not at all pure specs. Im good with it. Adds flavor - even if many opt to not spice things up.
Im also old school in that Ill bring Jeff the ret paladin so long as he’s cool, fun to talk too and game with and not a total flake in a raid.
You guys are using retail definition of “hybrid” and trying to apply it to Classic. In Classic, it’s more like this:
Warriors and Rogues are pure melee. Warriors are the tankier version with threat increasing abilities. Rogues are the squishy version with threat reduction abilities.
Warlocks, Priests, and Mages are pure casters.
Hunters, Druids, Shamans are hybrids (have melee and ranged combat).
Paladins are also hybrids in the sense that they have magic and melee damage, but they don’t have any meaningful ranged abilities like the other hybrids.
Okay, fine, sure. Warriors are the premiere spectacle of level 60. Im still good with it. Even in homogenized hell someone is the most/least represented class/spec. Nothing really changes and you get an awesome forever nerf and buff cycle that changes how you play your class like 9 times.
Let warriors be the eternal FotM for all I care. My 51 points in prot troll warrior with only 1H/2H sword weapon skills will love to know how OP she is.