Remove the currency caps please

This early into the season I dont have a lot of gear to upgrade, I have my one ring I’m trying to pump up that I got from the awakened vendor, but most of my gear for the most parts still from last season. I am nearing 1.9k flightstones on my shaman and will essentially be wasting resources once I hit cap, I’m already capped on Drake crests and its not even the second day of the week and I’m almost capped on Wyrm crests too.

Please remove the cap on both flightstones and crests. I don’t like the feeling that I’m wasting resources when I want to keep playing my main but I’m capped on both flightstones and crests.


As easy as everything has been already this season…. I completely agree that crests and stones should be uncapped.

This should be the most fun you can have at the end of the expansion.

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Remove all caps; this is supposed to be the “fun” season.