Remove the ability to respec

This is unsubstantiated opinion.

The answer is no, I don’t believe you fully read and comprehend entire thoughts before responding with an utterly predictable bevvy of mis-applied debate theory terminology.

So is your idea that it’s unsubstantiated.

For all you know, it might be, and maybe even this is how Blizzard feels, who knows. Since you don’t know, you’re forced to actually argue the point, not simply undermine the existence of the argument.

He has decided that it’s not a compelling reason, for him. You either have a reason why it is compelling, or just don’t bother saying anything because nobody is gonna read a giant wall of text that essentially amounts to “missing the point”, the actual, written embodiment of “woosh”.

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At the end of Vanilla my guild split between the more hardcore players who wanted to require everyone use world buffs and max consumes all the time(even after content was on farm), and the people who wanted them to be optional(though encouraged).

There is a difference between something being possible and something being acceptable. The reason things that are possible aren’t always acceptable is that people don’t want to struggle through raids if they don’t have to. Wiping multiple times a night on farmed content feels bad.

Others want to push for higher parses or to beat their previous clear times(something more than just clearing raids where you no longer need gear). If you’re not spec’ed correctly, or if you’re not using consumes, you’re causing everyone else’s parse to be worse and you’re slowing down the raid.

Even in my semi-casual guild, I don’t recall anyone showing up to raids in a PvP spec in Naxx. Maybe one or two people could have gotten away with it in a non-crucial role. But regardless of how overgeared a guild is, it would probably be impossible to clear Naxx if all 40 people were in a PvP or hybrid spec. And TBC raids are much harder.

Are you familiar with Immanuel Kant and his principle of “Universalizability”?

His argument is that a behavior is only acceptable if it would still be acceptable if everyone was doing it. Basically, while it might be acceptable if one person shows up in a bad spec; Would it still be acceptable if everyone showed up in a bad spec? If it isn’t acceptable for everyone, why is it acceptable for anyone?

You cannot clear most TBC raids unless you are PvE spec. You cannot compete in arenas unless you are PvP spec. If you want to do both those things every week, you must respec every week.

At that point respecing is no longer a choice. It is a requirement. The choice is no longer how to tailor your character to your playstyle, but whether you’re willing to pay to play the game.

PS: The people defending the 50g respec only play the game in cookie-cutter min-max specs.

And remove the talent tree!
There should only be 3 choices… as everyone wants the optimum talent spec and has already checked wowhead for what that is.
Why even give people choices? Take the ‘role’ out of role playing!

A majority of players largely ignore the system and are unaffected by it, while the minority who want to engage in multiple content types competitively feel constrained by it. Overall, that adds up to a negative experience. Conduit Energy isn’t really making the game better in any appreciable way, so we’re removing the system entirely.

Replace Conduit Energy with Respec cost.


Respec should be like an epic flying mount… only no-lifers and gold buyers can afford one
MMORPG’s are not meant to be fun, they are work. If you don’t want to devote 18 hours a day to the game to stay up with your peers play Retail or the SIMS

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Yeah, I had this epiphany the other day.

True my weakaura blocks all rogues from joining my group.

Shadowlands is available to you.

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