Remove steed

steeds so stupid lmfao, what are you guys thinking just give freedom a 70% move speed buff then its exactly like the monk ability


hard no, I would rather not have my movement ability be the same as my root preventing/removing utility spell that can be cast on others.


Ideally we would have both.

But I agree with him, remove “gimped speed of light” (divine steed for the newer paladin crowd and the diablo developer who went to work on WoW) and give us back either Long arm of the law or Pursuit of justice from MoP.


How about not, having only Long Arm or Pursuit of Justice would NEVER be enough movement for content these days. Even both of them combined is still trash. Steed right now is good, if they don’t buff the duration after Shadowlands then we can talk about removing it.


and i would rather LFR heros were banned from posting


Judgement is on a roughly 10 sec cd which means that the MoP Long arm of the law would speed you up about 24 sec in a minute (40% uptime) for 45% speed.

Pursuit of justice can have an up time of 90% and more with varying level of speed going up to 50%.

Steed right now has a 6 sec MAX per 45 sec while buffed by a borrowed power (13% uptime) otherwise it’s a 6.5% uptime as a baseline spell.

In which world are you living to even come close to calling Divine Steed superior to those 2.
The only “relevant content” in which steed is better in SL is running through DoS corridor faster. On top of it, the 2nd charge can only be acquired at the cost of drastically reducing your survivability by NOT taking unbreakable spirit. Which is another problem entirely.


I’m not gonna sit and pool HP so I can be fast enough to move out of mechanics, that’s trash gameplay, same with holding my 10 second CD that augments my spenders. Your worthless “uptime” metrics matter for nothing. Steed is usable when I NEED it without having to jump through stupid hoops and actively decrease my DPS when movement is needed. Ret already suffers heavily when it needs to move out of melee range and you are suggesting to double down and make it worse. Pursuit of Justice also only 45%.

Also Unbreakable Spirit doesn’t DRASTICALLY increase your survivability, SoV is bad and if you are gonna die it probably wont save you to begin with and unless you are using bubble on pull you won’t even get 2 uses during most raid encounters.

I already suggested this in the other whiny steed post we have but I’ll repeat it again. We should have current steed, 6 second duration and 2 charges baseline. Then we move some talents around and get a mobility row with, Spenders reduce Steed CD, LONG ARM, and Pursuit of Justice. That would be a wonderful solution.

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Real freaking easy to anticipate mechanic with both talent, idk what you’re going on about.
Also all the mechanics are avoidable without steed aside maybe from the whirlwind of Auction House boss of street.
Also unbreakable DOES increase survivability drastically even if SoV is bad the CD reduction on bubble is a life saver.Also if you want to use Blessing of Sacrifice effectively, you need the additional CD even if only to use SoV offensively.

Should add that ideally, we should indeed add mobility option (as you suggested) and not necessarily replace what we already have if we want to be on par with other classes.

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Add Turalyon’s Might from Legion alpha, would’ve been the best flexibile mobility spell ever for us.

Unbound Freedom baseline, because its insanely good.
Then change Divine Steed into Speed of Light.

Scientifically speak, the light is the fastest speed in our universe, so we could really have dashes similar to dh and it would make sense aswell.

SoV is a terrible defensive spell that get worse and worse the longer you are in the game because of dampening, while this doesn’t affect any other dps as much (except lock) because they all have pure damage reduction. Delete SoV and bring back Divine Protection to ret. It’s also super trolly because it can randomly blow out someone, leading to degenerate gameplay. Just replace it with what was good before.

-Change Fist of Justice to what it was before, 30sec 20yards hoj. No cdr bullcrap on it.
-Repentance, ret only, 45sec cd, instant, incap for 6sec.

-Can we also remove Lay of Hands for a real ability that doesnt have 10min cd so you can actually use it?

-Now that SoV and Lay of Hands are gone, make Unbreakable Spirit affects, Divine Protection, and BoP for ret aswell. Would love to see Clemency comes back aswell, maybe replace Eye for an Eye for it?

-Change Cavalier to affect Speed of Light, and from Art of War to reduce its cd by 5sec.

-Change Holy Avenger to the torghast power, holy power spenders only requires 2 holy power.

-Buff Selfless Healer to requiring 2stacks instead of needing 4, and increase healing by 25% for each stack.

-Delete Justicar’s Vengeance.

-Healing Hands is too strong for pvp, un-nerf WoG in pvp, and change Healing Hands into, whenever you use WoG on a target, they get 15% less damage damage for 10seconds.

-Crusade and Sanctified Wrath are 2 redundant talents that alter wings in a way. I would get rid off Crusade and make us gain wings for 8sec after every wake of ashes or wings cdr from each holy power.

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Freaking AMEN on that. In fact on all of what you wrote.
I use SoV as I mentioned because… well it’s the only way to use it really.
It would feel soo much better to have Divine protection instead.

If we are stuck with Steed, it needs it’s cooldown cut in half.


What? Are you suggesting I’m an LFR hero or something?

How does that comment help the discussion?

Cavalier should go baseline.

Blessing of SpellWarding put in its’ place for Holy/Ret.

Eye for an Eye added to Prot.



Personally I’d like to see the Old Talent system married with the new in such a way that works.

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Oh, I’ve already given a thesis on why paladin mobility is trash, what could be done to fix it, and the prevention of such fixes due to design double standards that no other melee face.

This would be a quick 9.2.5 fix/buff, I will not be going any further in depth on the topic of Mobility cause it just falls on deaf ears.



Blizzards ears are never open to game design from the community anyways.

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I agree with everything BUT “Cavalier should go baseline” don’t even throw that out there bro, we actually mite get stuck with the freaking pony for god knows how long if they did that.

Simple solution: Make Blessing of Freedom give #% Movement Speed increased for #'sec and Jobs done.

Let’s bury the pony and never see it again.

Thats just making Unbound Freedom baseline, which I wouldnt be against
But I’d rather have Divine Steed deleted for a Speed of Light + remove all roots and snares when used.

Pony rocks. Even with just the one charge it is generally up often enough to have it when I need it.

A Knight and it’s Steed are also thematically solid as far as this stuff goes.

However, I would also like to see at least another minor movement ability or two.

Perhaps a 30% movement speed increase for 3-5 seconds after Freedom is used.

Some type of Paladin Leap would be awesome.

I understand the desire for a little more mobility but I dont understand the hate for Steed.

Freakin edgelords.


I really like Steed. One of my favorite abilities in game. Just make it immune to snares and roots.