Remove stacks on Agony

After reading some feedback posts on the Alpha forum im getting worried.

Affliction still doesnt have instant cc or a slow and thr writhe in agony talent stacks agony to 18. Agony has too much ramp up time for a dot that hits like a wet noodle. Why do affis have to wait 25seconds just so a dot can be doing its full dmg? Its not like its unbalanced at full stacks, its the NORMAL dmg its meant to deal at full stacks, we just have to wait for it for some dumb reason.

Suggestion: remove the stacking and make Writhe in agony also apply corruption + deal more dmg.


Writhe in agony now makes the stacks go upto 18 but it also makes it START at 10 stacks.

Patch notes:

Agony now starts at full stacks. Cast time has been increased to 25 seconds.