Remove Sharding from SW and Org on RP Realms

Signing to this as well. Please fix it.


I also add to this topic!


it should have been removed as soon as the event ended. its a ghost town now whereas before it felt alive.

it sucks that you are too incompetent to figure it out and fix it.

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As much as I dislike the idea of people crowding back to Stormwind after sharding is turned off on RP realms, the absurdity that the various events that requires capital cities to be sharded is beyond ridiculous. Listen to the masses for once and stop putting events in capital cities, it does nothing good but annoy players.


Pushing this back to the top. Both active RP servers are still having issues in SW and Org. This needs to be taken care of before the communities move to different games.

This is an ongoing issue for RP servers that any time an in-game event is planned in one of the cities, Blizz shards them. Either events need to be removed from SW and Org and put somewhere out in the world, or Blizz devs need to remember to remove the sharding as soon as the event is over. RPers shouldn’t have to spam on 3 forums and open tickets to get this done.


Posting to bump this topic. Please turn the sharding off Blizz!


Technical Support has nothing to do with this. Technical Support is to troubleshoot “my computer won’t connect to WoW” or “WoW is crashing”.

The decision to implement sharding is almost certainly deliberate on the developers’ part, so provide feedback where they will see it, which isn’t here.

It’s deliberate but almost always temporary for events. RP realms are a bit unique in this regard because most of us RP in our capital cities - Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

As for where this was posted, if this is the incorrect place for it, it wasn’t done on purpose. I will say it doesn’t really fit in suggestions and feedback though since this is already kind of an internal rule for RP realms, they just haven’t flipped the sharding switch off again.


If you believe the behavior is unintentional (not in conformance to the developers’ intent), that makes it a bug. Which has its own reporting forum.

Bumping in support of this!


There’s a thread there already.

It’s worth a note that the last time this happened, the inevitable Blizzard forgetting to remove sharding after an event, I started a thread in Customer Support that got moved to Technical Support, and then from there to the Bug Report forum, and then from there to General Discussion as the various forum mods played Kick the Can Down the Road with it.

The issue didn’t get resolved until about three weeks later, when a Blue on the EU forums finally sacrificed the appropriate amount of goats and spoke the correct enchantment to summon the one person who has ever worked for Blizzard who knows how to re-implement the custom RP server ruleset that prevents sharding in legacy content including legacy capital cities.

It’s always a game of rabbling loud enough that a point of visibility is reached that someone, somewhere, deep in the recesses of Blizzard goes, “…oh wait, didn’t Doug have a script he has to run serverside for this? Someone call Doug, he retired in 2013 and the script is in FORTRAN.”

And then literally everyone inside the company purges their memory banks of the incident and nothing is ever in place for the end of the next event.


Like ngl. I only play for mogs, mounts and rp. Sharding killed rp.

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Rabbling here is irrelevant. The turf in the Support forums is strictly regimented, and if your complaint is off topic to the forum it will die of loneliness there. The Technical Support Support Forum Agents are (AFAIK) literally not allowed to forward offtopic reports. So you’re effectively picketing Wendy’s about McDonalds’ menu.

Yeah, well, I didn’t make this thread here. I made it over in the Bug Reporting forum a few days ago. This forum is one of the many stops that my last post about this had, though, and not by my doing, so I don’t blame people for not knowing where to put the post when neither do the forum mods generally.

To be fair, it’s more like complaining to the people who run the registers at McDonald’s about the unsafe temperature of the coffee (at McDonald’s). You know it’s not their job but you assume that in letting them know, they will get the word to the correct people. But it turns out that the staff doesn’t even have access to the temperature controls for the coffee, they have to call a service person, but no one has ever had to do it so they’re not sure what the procedure is, so everyone just kind of ignores the complaint that isn’t strictly in their job description in the hopes that they don’t turn into the someone who’s in charge of knowing who to contact just because no one else will look it up until the complaining gets loud enough that they can’t just ignore it anymore.

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The fact that Blizzard constrains feedback so tightly and regiments it so strictly does make it hard for a player to have their voice effectively heard. So it’s important to understand those rules, so you don’t clutter unrelated forums with ineffective complaints, and (more importantly) the players don’t waste their eloquence in someplace it won’t help.

The other element to keep in mind: you can ask for something to be fixed, but you’ll never be able to nag the developers into agreeing if their management-dictated priorities prevent it. The game has literally decade-old bugs that meant a lot to many people, but they never made the priority list so were left unfixed. Those only crop up now if someone is trying to farm legacy content (or leveling through it).

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I don’t disagree, but it doesn’t actually appear that there’s any correct place to post this type of problem at all. Employees at Blizzard forgetting to turn off a thing they intentionally turned on is not a bug. It would be logical for the Technical Support forum to forward complaints about non-bug technical issues, but you’re saying they don’t. The World’s End Tavern forum is for discussing the storytelling aspects of roleplaying, but doesn’t appear to be intended for feedback about any of the technical factors that influence RP. Where, then, would you say that it is helpful to post this?

Again, this isn’t a bug. Also, posting threads in various places where they’re not intended to go is what has solved this issue (multiple times over) in the past. I think we’d all love to have a better way of doing it, but this has previously been the way.


That’s not an issue here. The custom ruleset for RP servers already exists, and is re-implemented every time it gets overwritten by the latest new in-city battle event.

We’d love to have a different process for it. Well…what we’d really love is that when the developers put in an event that will require sharding of the capital cities that they leave a calendar reminder for the server maintenence folks to run the custom script to re-enable the custom ruleset, or if that’s not a possibility we’d love to have one person, or one place, that we can reliably post a “Hey, can you guys flip off the sharding for RP servers again?” reminder and have it go to the correct place.

After all these years, though, there hasn’t been one provided. No one wants to own the process so it turns into a giant spiderman-pointing-meme every time of “not my job”-itis until the complaints finally get loud enough that someone figures out who the current server admins are who don’t and never have looked at the forums and shoots them an email.

And even then, as seen on Twitter, even when they do that the server admins may still not get around to running the script, or the request might fall into the abyss.

We’re not really talking about like, a single obscure quest needing a workaround that you can look up on WoWHead. City sharding murders RP servers. It makes what we do in the game, paying month after month for sometimes decades, through content lulls and middlingly received expansions, so that we can go play nerdy Barbies at each other, shoveling revenue into cosmetics and name changes and other character services while asking for little to nothing in the way of expensive balanced content, close to impossible.


Is this really still an issue?


Stormwind is so sad right now…

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A year or two ago, I heard somewhere (a dev video maybe?) that someone reads every single post on the forums. I’d hate to be that guy.

Since I’ve had response on Tech Support for other in-game issues, it felt like a better place than the server forums. Either way, couldn’t hurt. Someone’s reading.