REMOVE SELF healing!

i can’t stress this Enough blizzard, it’s bad it’s broken with most classes, it sucks dealing with it 1v1 situations where our burst is not very good at all right now, you can get someone at low Health as a rogue. and they can just regen back to health, while everything is on CD. just remove it. you’re bad posts/ learn 2 play remarks will be ignored. so try again trolls . Don’t @ me

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@Webslol, did you fail to gank on your 375 rogue?


GANKING IS EZ MODE, talking about real 1v1 duels again nice try kid, try again wanna take a stab at my arena ratings ? i already read you like a book. get good kid, ignored.

So you lost some “real 1v1 duels” because some specs can heal. Got it, pro…

edit: I love the delicious irony of screaming “get good” in a QQ post. :rofl:


Doubtful that you played a horrible spec in vanilla l ol ignored stay mad kid :slight_smile:

Raided as Holy, PVP’d as Ret and Holy back in the day. You sure are replying a lot to someone you’re ignoring…


Ignored kid, s tay mad :slight_smile: :wink:


Is there something in the air that’s making people post these extremely salty threads? OP you could of had a great argument if you didn’t end your post begging for negative attention.



The thing is with current wow, is that you can’t have a civil Discussion at all. even if it’s a good post, when you get baddies like, @nomak. around. ruining posts with their ignorant statements. it’ just fun for me to call them out early. cause they are so predictable. : )

It wasn’t a good post to start, then you ended it with “Don’t @ me” which is basically begging to get trolled. You set the tone with your first post, yet you expect to have a civil discussion?


I just tried to have a civil conversation and you replied with “roasted”…


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yeah typed before you posted that so 🤷

Problem is there is a mindset that goes back to classic…much more simple game back then.

agreed, but back then people used to pot in duels, even that was shunned upon. shrug

Self healing is fine as long as you have a mortal strike.

Can’t say the same for fury warrior healing though LUL


yeah or an execute.

Especially Rogues. They have self healing why? Please give me a good reason why this games most untouchable class needs a self heal.

Oh wait, that’s right, nerf Warlocks. Idiots.


Just think of what the rogue has being the potion that it is…it’s really not that good. Unless you get iron stomach and drink up me hearties.

Just an fyi, calling people “kids” in different variations in multiple posts is not going to garner much sympathy for your cause.

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