Remove Rewards from warmode

Like totally remove it. The alliance is pretending that they are pvping for the fun of it and if you dont like it turn it off. You cant complain about massive groups camping you because you are bad should just turn off pvp.

Ok so lets remove all world pvp rewards from warmode. Lets see what happens. Remove the horde 10% and the alliance 30% wm bonus. Remove AOO. Let pvp happen how it happened before all these buffs when we had private pvp servers.


99.9% of that post made no sense what-so-ever


Read it again. Take your time you only need to learn a few words




You could write it again, you would only have to learn a bit of grammar and a few words.

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99.9% of your post made sense.

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There should be no reward for pvp outside of bgs and arenas. Then there would be no need for this failure of an attempt to balance it between factions


Makes perfect sense if you know how to read. Its okay i understand you dont do that

Please change your post to “war mode” and not “PvP” so Blizzard doesn’t have an excuse to nerf conquest great again tyvm


remove all pve rewards they ruin everything hek why not remove pvp and all rewards hek remove everything make everyone mad.

AoO was created because Warmode was a failure, removing PvP servers was a mistake they won’t own up to. Sharding made imbalances and exploits. Saying that you still just sound mad


Yes pleaaaaaase! Remove the rewards entirely so then all the stupid people that didn’t pvp servers in the old days will quit using it and say it’s not fair that they get ganked. Then maybe these stupid Warmode complaint threads will go away!

Not to be mean to all of these complaints but there is an easy fix everyone points out.

This is world PvP - this is it. Give you a ‘back in my day’ story, I started on PvP servers and stayed with it though Burning Crusade. 1 out of 20 encounters were fair fights.

19/20 WPvP fights are back stabs, large group ganks, or level difference jumps. Your recourse? To pay it in kind to the offender or to someone else randomly. That’s it, that’s WPvP. It’s why I don’t use warmode.

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No, it does not. You need to go back to English class.

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I added to remove them from warmode.

Why not ?. Thats just stupid, its called World of WARcraft …

Just turn WM off, stop complaining.


Ty good sir us arena players have suffered enough


It would make 0 sence being PVP geared, then suck at pvp outdoors.

IF you have a problem, DO TURN WARMODE OFF… OFF…

Its not supposed to be ON if you dont like pvp, just for the 10% bonus… you can live without the bonus or grow some pants and l2p

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Some people like to sit around as a raid group and gank helpless people that wandered in their direction. It sucks, but that is world pvp. It will happen whether there is a reward or not.

Is this a problem stemming from World Player vs. Player or The Maw… Some of my greatest rage quits and turning off of Warmode were due to Horde zerg camping for easy honor.

I’m not complaining
But this topic has been talked to literal death
I don’t really care about pvp
Just providing a suggestion to stop ppl from complaining constantly
Ppl complain there is faction imbalance
Pvp should be instanced where is automatically faction balanced

World pvp will never ever ever be balanced

There is no magic button for blizzard to push to make it so

They tried bonuses but it just doesn’t work

You are being farmed because they are being rewarded to do so

Wake up either accept the consequences of having wm on or turn it off
Blizzard cannot change the nature of people