Remove realms and merge all servers

Why would they merge?

I agree but, there needs to be mega servers. Their software is so out of date it causes way to many problems for PvP’ers in one centralized location. Also during new expansions release. Other games have successful releases when their companies invest money in software. Plain and simple.

They’re called mega servers, and many games use the successfully. People would fill a zone to a certain number, then start spilling into the next, and so on as long as needed.

That’s how it is now - there are only Normal and RP realms.

OK, obviously I really don’t get what you are saying, so I’ll leave it for now. I’m personally happy with the way things are now (except crz is a bit of a mess) but I’ll assume I’m just not getting your point.

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I mentioned that in my second post :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t that what sharding does?

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How to destroy the game in two simple steps.

There is a reason why Blizzard chose to go with connected realms instead of merges.

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They just need to connect many more realms. I could have swore they said they were doing that at some point. Was it during legion? I feel like it might have been during the bfa announcement qna.

Merging realms isn’t a thing in this game and doesn’t need to be, but if they connect every realm it wouldn’t really change all that much. Sharding would still break people up like it does now.

Only thing different really would be that you wouldn’t have any restrictions on guilds.

Effectively, you are asking for cross realm guilds + region wide auction house.

In the end, not something that is reasonable at this point. Will be some day though. Just a matter of when.


Essentially this.

Everything would just be merged together if we had one mega server. Going overboard on realm connections would primarily make the AH extremely competitive (lots of smaller realms items would lose a lot of value if there is just one market) and guild transfers for joining friend/Mythic Guilds would cease to exist. Other big problem is the chat rooms like Trade/General would go a mile a second.

Massive connections/mergers also is unlikely to a certain extent as it would drastically reduce funds from server transfers. Bundle deals for transfers is the most likely path rather than connecting like 20 servers together.

OP, I just want to say thank you for being cool headed and concise with the differing opinions. You have some interesting thoughts.

That’s not a pool, it’s a toilet! :nauseated_face:

Blizzard’s servers can hardly handle how things are now. What makes you think they’ll merge all the servers anytime soon? I mean, I can imagine War Mode being absolutely chaos - and fun. And it would be impossible not to find groups for stuff. But servers, as they stand now, are already sketchy.

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Considering how the holy power/combo point issue is happening on medium pop servers thanks to sharding I would rather just back to unconnected servers.