Remove PvP iLvL reward upgrades from 2v2

I never said this. Youre projecting.

It doesnt, youre making excuses.

What does this even mean? Cheese 2s? Winning games is winning games.

The reality of the situation is youre washed up, and believe some outside force is holding you back. The truth is, you are holding yourself back. You make excuses, don’t try and improve and youre angry at your own failures.

Instead of saying people dont deserve things theyve achieved, why dont you take a look in the mirror and work on yourself.


I 2s with my friend, I have zero interest in finding a 3rd for 3s. So why screw us over?


Can we have rating on solo que

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You just seem really salty. If it’s so easy just do it yourself

You’re a restro druid

with 32k HP

wondering why you can’t survive double DPS burst comps

Hmmm :thinking:

I have never seen someone rage so hard at being bad at pvp, if 1800 is free in 2s as double dps then play it… idk what your even arguing then just find another dps and stop healing, play balance and conyeet people back to their starting zones


“Other people are having fun! STOP IT!”


Im not washed up. I was 2k in BFA?

I play a rdruid who is like 2nd from worst healer as far as representation within the brackets goes.

  1. Hpal
  2. Rsham
  3. Dpriest
  4. Druid
  5. MW worst.

You’re implying that im upset about my own ratings? You’re wrong. I realize my potential and ability, I can climb with effort.

What im ACTUALLY upset about is the fact, there is little to no effort for certain players to easily climb 2s. Look at WW monks and Rets. Hell, look at Sub rogues before the nerf. Hell, look at fire mages right now and boomkin druids.

There is literally ENDLESS complaint posts about the burst capabilities from these classes.

Im not upset that im lower in CR this season. Im upset that there aren’t any changes being made to the game, that are necessary.

It was made clear years ago that 2v2 is not a good representation of PvP and thus they removed rewards from that bracket…

Why now, is it ok for people to again abuse the 2v2 bracket for rewards that put them above a massive amount of other players, with little to no required effort.

If you’re next argument is that they do use skill, then I laugh.

Anyone in 2021, with the available resources from the net, can easily make a 1 shot non gcd macro that just unloads everything onto a target. Add in 2 classes that can ultimately do that, while a player is in global or stun and you have “Cheese” mechanics.

Have your cheese mechanics, idc. But you shouldn’t be granted HEROIC / MYTHIC level gear from 2v2 becuase you can buy carries or cheese players in seconds.

FoH with that BS.

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Talking to you is a waste of time


yeah let me go swap my covenant, be forced into timegating, to play a spec to 1 shot people in 2v2 so I can feel good about myself?

naw. Ill just come here and complain about how stupid that bs is in 2v2 til they decide to remove your gear rewards from it, because it’s dumb and you shouldn;t be getting heroic / mythic level rewards from a clearly broken bracket.

So gtfo my post?

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Op complaining about 2v2 like his 3v3 record isn’t even worse.


boy are you gonna be disappointed

this is so hilariously unimportant
who gets this riled up about it

Maybe its not me dying, maybe its my teammate? hmmm

Or maybe its me watching others just 1 shot their way through the ladder or buying carries.

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Are you trolling? You might as well remove the bracket all together before doing something like this lol. PvP in general is broken right now, the issues you mentioned are not exclusive to 2s. In fact 2s is the hardest to gain rating in compared to RBGs / 3s which both have more inflated rating than 2s right now. So this genuinely makes no sense in any way.

oh man, we got the cream of the crop in here now. Posting on her alt cause she’s probably too scared to show her own ratings?

lol w.e im not even mad about my low ratings. I have my mounts, my titles, my other characters who are above this druids current ratings.

Just goes to show you rats all are defending a helpless bracket cause you realize once its gone your time is up.

Enjoy it while it last scrubs.

It’s ok bro we’ll figure it out. Nice and slow.

Gray parsing druid that can’t break 1800 not even mad guys.

They took it away in Cataclysm and 2s then were more balanced than 3s are now.

What they should do is try to achieve some kind of balance in 2s to make the game more enjoyable. Since it is, after all, a game.


Impressive. Literally everything you just said was wrong. Including my 2s rating somehow, despite it being right there on my profile.

Are you kidding me?

If someone buys a carry to 1800 in 2v2, they then have the ability to buy a higher lvl reward than anyone else who doesn’t have that CR requirement, right?.

2v2 is notoriously populated by higher, elite players carrying others for gold or money. As well as players who can cheese their way to specific ratings for upgrades, as dbl dps with the current meta and burst potential and lack of HP scaling appropriately.

Once those same players, who either bought carries or cheesed their way to 1800 for the next level gear, they then go play 3v3’s cause they can, and why wouldn’t they. Those same players, despite not being any better or knowledgable then now are capable of pretty much shutting down everyone else who is now no longer on the same level of gear, despite it being only a few ilvl’s above.

I mean look at versatility, players with 20+% vers still get 1 shot like they’re wearing greens and blues.

If you take away 2v2 rewards, you remove that gap. Sure you will still have the cheese mechanics that blizzard obviously doesn;t care to tune or adjust, but you stop seeing a lot of the players with 1 shot mindsets, who just run in with no coordination, ruling the lower tiers.